Tommy Tiernan

Who is hankering for Bernard Manning? Point it out to me there. I can’t see anyone doing it. And i certainly wasn’t so why are you raising that off the back of my post ?

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Why so sensitive, I raised a second point rather than create a separate post, it’s quite a common thing to do, hence the new paragraph

Different time. Lads like Bowie were abusing young teenage girls at the same time but they haven’t been cancelled. Yet.

He was openly racist, people paid good money to see him but he shouldn’t have been given the platform that made him a big star in any era

You apologise you still lose
If you’re not wrong do not apologise to the mob

What’s next? His podcast host? Podcast sponsors?

Tommys grovelling is only fuel to the scalp collectors


I asked you a question. Who is hankering for manning?

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Tiernan is finished, they won’t be happy until all his media profile is totally destroyed

They won’t bury Tommy. No way.

O’Dwyer & Sons do a lovely burial service altogether.
Horse drawn hearse, piebalds, trad music - the lot. Pray for Tommy.

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When he went crying after her on the phone like a softcock, that was the end of him


Should have just said nothing and let it blow over. Which it would have. Hour long phone apologies gifted her a new angle to further string it out in the media. Lot to be said for getting the head down and shutting up.

Should have made an off the cuff remark about your one being an oul god telpus and left it at that.
The cancel cunts smell blood now


are you just gonna avoid this one? Can you point out who was hankering for Manning? It isn’t obvious

No way this wan takes down Tommy. No way.

Rock stars are exempt right @Lazarus ?

He should have got Brolly’s missus to sort your wan out.

Did Tiernans audit trail finally catch up on him?

Eddie Murphy in Raw would be aten alive


It’s coming