Tommy Tiernan

I had no idea Free Now sponsored the Tommy Tiernan show until I saw this tweet.

Now I really want a taxi.


like glas

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Hopefully the narcissistic Emer hasn’t ever heard of Bernard Manning.
Bernard could dish it out, he’d be in jail nowadays with his stuff….


You’re right there. He absolutely is an establishment man no matter how he tries to present himself. He wouldnt have the constitution of an Enoch. Enoch wouldnt even contemplate apologising :grinning:

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Tommy should quit RTE and tell em all go and fuck. You don’t need tv now. The power of the INTERNET allows him to do the same gig and reach wider audiences.


Why are you wasting your energy supporting tommy? He’s a bedwetter. He folded at the first sight of adversity and him fancying himself as being Mr. Edgy. Emer beat him up a stick.


Hard to argue with that in fairness.

Be some craic when Emer is introduced as a guest on Tommy’s show tomorrow night

Tommy might eschew his usual schtick of asking a young female guest about their sex life in this instance


or roy chubby brown

I agree that he shouldn’t have apologised. This piece of work has gone after him in a devious and premeditated way. But he’s probably horrified at the idea that his self denigrating joke could have been considered racist, he’s also naturally afraid of the mob and basically he’s a kind person who reasonably thought that people could talk to one another, explain their thoughts, work out differences etc.
Hes over looked the fact that hes dealing with a malicious piece of work


the only way he can save himself now is to publicly withdraw his apology. it was a joke

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A phone call to apologise, taking joke out of routine, referencing that was removing joke at start of subsequent shows - I think was a more that adequate response by Tommy

Next step will be Emer will say she never wanted Tommy cancelled etc etc


He should call her out, he should literally go after her. The pampered privileged world is awash with these bastards…no concept of how well off they are and too busy scurrying around complaining and bullying. He should stand his ground.
Her and her rabbit hole- basically viewing another tragedy as another pit for her to wallow in. Once again her woe is videoed


I think that would be his best course of action. I mean who is he pandering to being meek and basically admitting he was wrong for telling a joke, which was actually pretty funny.

if we keep allowing talentless cunts who have no personality cancel hardworking people who actually contribute to culture, society or life, just because they are offended, we are fucked…

I don’t know that woman but I fucking dislike her


She’s not even remotely offended. Any slight, oblique , subtle or perceived mention of race was like a Christmas present to her. She’s obviously revelling in it…the apology is merely a bonus.


I would love to see a survey of taxi drivers and see what the reaction is to the joke.

If it isn’t white people being offended on behalf of someone it’s woman being offended on behalf of someone.

Usually the people themselves couldn’t give a flying fuck


What was the full joke again?

She is a black woman herself.
Similar to @Locke i haven’t heard or read the joke, I believe it implies that all Dublin taxi drivers are African, I don’t see a problem with that.

But lads hankering for the comedy of Bernard Manning etc is a huge stretch, he was an amazing unfunny nasty prick, there was never a place for him

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There was a place for him . Up on a stage in a packed hall where people went to forget about stresses of life for a bit …it worked then… the world has changed and it won’t work now …