Tommy Tiernan

The homeschool hub were letting weirdos in by the end. Sure as my aul landlord used to say ‘they’d let anyone on the tv these days…’

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Has Tommy been cancelled yet?


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Crokes have saved Tommy. Me woman emer must be seething

Powerful stuff with Bryan Murray here

That Martin Shaw an interesting guy. Enjoyed him.

Fucking thundering cunt.

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That’s a fair approximation

Tell us more. I was wondering about his personality while watching

I didnt see this. I know him to be a cunt. And a nasty conniving bastard. Sometimes to the point of ridiculous. He fucked over a heap of creative people with his show in punchestown. A fucking liar and a robber.
Hes also done some bizarra shit on fair city, incredibly sneaky.

Tommy’s opening question and I’m paraphrasing it “what the fuck did ye do wrong with ye’re careers to end up on Fair City?” :rofl:
I laughed and laughed


None of ye artsy cunts are to be trusted.


You’ve crossed the line now you cunt. Im gonna have a parade of macnas heads surrounding your gaff by midday.

Pretending to be outraged and walking out of comedy gigs is all the rage. Poor Claire was caught out badly here.


Claire has deleted her account


What did you do with your comedy and acting career that you ended up presenting a chat show on RTE interviewing said Fair City actors?

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Fair dues to Tommy, his chat show is diverse and interesting, he still has his comedy and his acting. I don’t think you’ll see him on the AreTE Actors FÁS scheme Fair City.


The carrigstown mafia are circling


Damn right! :facepunch:

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What does the fictional town from Fair City have to do with Tommy?

Maybe he’s happy living in and raising his family in Ireland and this is the avenue for employment that was open to him?