Tommy Tiernan

The yanks never took to him.

Do better Claire

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Not exactly the truest barometer of anything. Shur they didnt take to Oasis.

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The Brits never took to Tommy either though.

Shur those cunts like Geldof.

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And Bono

@cowpat is making a fair ol arguement for Tommy here.

Bono made it everywhere

That’s actually hilarious

what’s a terf?

You’re a terf

are you?

Someone who is transphobic (is my understanding)

Trans exclusionary radical feminist.

I must try and remember this phrase. I’d like nothing better than dropping it into conversation some evening after a funeral when there would be a few oul’ lads toasting the deceased’s life. I’d want to have the lift running outside.


I’d say you wouldn’t have too many of them in your circle.


You wouldn’t be wrong on that one. I’m having no luck memorising it. Walks away.

I’ve never been accused of being a feminist before, much less a radical one.

But you have been accused of being trans exclusionary?

Edit: I see you have been accused of the whole lot above.

Thankfully the latest woke science has disproved the notion of wimmen. As a result feminists are now considered verbotten, unmentionable etc. Lads like glasinatracksuit etc are nazi-adjacent