Tonight's TV - Continuation of earlier drivel

Nice one.

Pretty much it. I just find james corden annoying. He is a bit of a mans arse.
Poor old Matt Perry is in rag order. Seems to be edited out of a lot of it. Say he suffers from nerves now.
Anniston and Cox were beautiful women but both have over done the surgery when I doubt they needed any or as much. It hasn’t done them any favours anyway.

Kudos to the agents

The royalties on streaming of TV shows is so much higher than music. Hard to understand why music companies/Spotify etc have got away with mugging off musicians

I doubt the others went with a budget option.

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Matthew Perry was off his face during most of the time Friends was being filmed apparently

Matthew Perry is fierce shook looking

There was a full series where he sounded stoned most of the time around the time they were getting married. And his weight used to massively fluctuate. Off his face so he was.

Almost as good as Cavani’s agent!

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Prescription painkillers I think was it?

Hillbilly heroin as it’s called in Harlan County

The Matt le Blanc meme frenzy is over

Si Harris got involved = game over


FFS sake.

Terenure as well like.

In the middle of this now. Matt le Blanc would be a grand man to go for a few scoops with in fairness.

The Snapper is a national treasure. More entertaining that a trio of champions league finals


Changing lanes just starting on TG4 or whatever it’s called. A terrific flick.


I am going to extend this, more entertaining then half a dozen champions league finals

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A very underrated film

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Richard Bruton having some meltdown on Virgin now.

Crying about it being 2 on 1.

Don’t think he’d be able to handle a debate if he was a SF TD given the regular ambush jobs the free state media try.