Tonight's TV - Continuation of earlier drivel

25 years since it first aired. Back then a show 25 years previously was 1975.

It’s funny that after series 2 fashion and hairstyles don’t look that dated. Lack of phones is probably biggest thing that dates it.

They tore the arse out of it.

We used to watch friends and 2 phat with zig and zag on Monday nights in college one year. We’d a little portable shit of a telly wit only two channels coming in on the aerial.

Maybe they just have a better plastic surgeon?

You do the math :thinking:


I haven’t seen this yet but am under instruction from other half to “download” it for tonight’s viewing. Seems a right cop-out that they didn’t even bother trying to put an actual episode together and instead they just sit around being interviewed by a 40 year old English teenager.


From the few clips I saw on Ireland am yesterday morning it is fair to say they have all overdone it on the auld Botox and fillers

They can afford it anyway. They were getting a million per episode at the end.

I assume the cheques are still rolling in seeing how popular it appears to be on Netflix

It’s on the HBO platform now. You’ll find it on some channel any time of the day.

Doubt it unless they owned the royalties

They get 2% of royalties each per year. Negotiated as part of one of the pay deals. Its estimated to be a billion dollars worth of royaltied a year so $20m a piece. Not bad.
The low estimate is $2.5m a piece for sitting on that couch for a few hours the other night. Nice like


Nice one.

Pretty much it. I just find james corden annoying. He is a bit of a mans arse.
Poor old Matt Perry is in rag order. Seems to be edited out of a lot of it. Say he suffers from nerves now.
Anniston and Cox were beautiful women but both have over done the surgery when I doubt they needed any or as much. It hasn’t done them any favours anyway.

Kudos to the agents

The royalties on streaming of TV shows is so much higher than music. Hard to understand why music companies/Spotify etc have got away with mugging off musicians

I doubt the others went with a budget option.

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Matthew Perry was off his face during most of the time Friends was being filmed apparently