Tonight's TV - Continuation of earlier drivel

The Searchers on RTE1 …nothing better than a Saturday matinee.

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It’s a classic, one of the best movies ever. Have you made it back to one of your homes or are you still hobnobbing above in Rathgar and post morteming like those roasters below in Kilarney?

I’m sunning in Rathgar.

You’ll need to be switching over to rte2 now, the hockey team are kicking off, I think there may be of your neighbours at COI involved.

I don’t recognize the COI.

This may have happened before, but on the 9pm news at the minute, Justin Treacy is presenting the sports news whilst his wife, Vivienne Traynor is anchoring the main bulletin.

“And now over to Justin Treacy for the sports news”

“Thanks Vivienne, who’s minding the kids?”



Inside Out Homes doesn’t seem to be on tonight for no good reason. Fucking shite state of affairs.

Good programme on tv3 now about club gga players

What’s the name of it pal ? Catch it on player.


Gary Lineker keeping his word wearing Leicester shorts.

Wtf :laughing:


He’s in fair nick.

He must have been in the oven a right while

Small dose of whatever the roid heads in the gym are on for a few weeks, bit of a peter pan, sorted.

His head was a couple of shades brighter than his body,fair play to him though had he a bet on or anything?

Gladiator is on Ch4+1

For any of you looking for some mindless violence tonight. Jason Statham and Jennifer Lopez are in Parker which is is just about to start on 5*

The run of the country is on TG4,one of the most under rated irish movies ever