Tonight's TV - Continuation of earlier drivel

Watching the Salford City programme on BBC. Christ their managers are two right cunts. Constantly criticising players before,during and after games and bigging themselves up. Surprised no one has gone for them.

Watching Small town on tv3. Shit dialogue and full of Irish clichés.


watching a bit of contemporary TV tonight
2 brilliant programs on RTE1
first was Joe Duffy with a really wonderful documenatry tracing the kids who died in the rising.
now im watching a program about the health service, fuck it i have the utmost respect for any nurse or paramedic,
then you have a surgeon removing a tumour around some lad’s spinal chord, now i dunno if he is playing to the TV but the confidence of this man is unreal, he’s saying the higher the risk, the bigger the buzz he gets, he’s playing Led Zepplin in the theater whilst having the craic with the nurses during surgery… these lads seem to be a different breed, the complete emotional detachment they have as well from serious cases ( this poor fella here could be paralysed) is something im not sure i could do

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Anything worth taking a look at on Netflix.

Narcos Season 2 launched today

If you’ve not seen season 1 worth a spin


I spent twenty minutes going through the schedule last night and ended up watching a documentary on Porn. My time would have been better spent watching actual porn.


They are unreal. If you can’t detatch yourself from it, you probably couldn’t do it.

Is it any good? I ended up watching Pulp Fiction. Again.

Not really. Turns out the girls aren’t actually enjoying themselves a lot of the time and the pay is shit enough.

You mean they’re faking it😯

Like most jobs so

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I watched that a few months ago. Directed by the lovely Rashida Jones who I am in love with. Grim viewing. Couldn’t watch porn for a couple of hours afterwards.



The Night Of

On Sky Atlantic…only watched the first episode…

Excellent television…HBO is some operation.

What time? There’s fucking nothing on. Not in the mood for up for the match

1st episode was Thursday night mate 9 bells…

It’s very good.

Edit: On again Sunday night at 9.

Thanks chief. Anything on tonight. Currently watching the old star trek movies. I’m in the mood for some mindless action comedy. Any recommendations even on Netflix will do

The Mrs currently has the remote…X factor is on I can’t offer any help pal.

I’m not in the mood for trolling down through netflix. Star trek the final frontier is just about to start on SYFY. Think I’ll just crank up the volume and give that a look.

Some bunch a fatties on rte 1 now,I actually feel sorry for them