Tonight's TV - Continuation of earlier drivel

It was a bit middle class. Especially the lady who went to New York and became a big success in marketing thanks to Paul.

Have you listened to his single ‘the harbour’

I’ve become slightly obsessed with it, by God it’s a beautiful song, O’Rourke should be a national treasure, his famine songs are haunting


Galileo is a great song.


He’s class. Came close to playing in the pub :sweat:. Marrying the sea is perfect

New show on rte tonight 9.30 written by a lad I know. Dead Still. I’d have every faith in him to deliver high quality TV.

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What’s it about

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I watched Dermot Bannons incredible homes over the weekend. Or Over designed houses in fields in the middle of nowhere. Some architect from Hong Kong had built a house on coloured stilts in a field in Limerick. (Probably unnecessary to add that he drove a VW Karmann).

But the best of the lot was the house in the picture in the link above which is in a field in Shercock Co Cavan. The photo doesn’t do justice to the horror of the exterior and if you had 10 minutes spare you might get a chuckle out of watching the last few minutes of the show on the RTÉ player.


Awful shite altogether, I can only imagine dipsticks or pretentious bolloxes taking part on this rubbish

It was the first dance at my wedding.

As good as song as you can get about killing yourself

I went to see him with the national concert orchestra (or the RTE one, One of the two orchestra‘s we have for some reason). It was sensational. It was on in UL and not even half full I’d say. One of the best gigs I was ever at.

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I’d urge anybody with a heart to listen to the song ‘Poor boys shoes’ that I linked above, it’s a serious piece of art,

I like Galileo like everybody else but DORs real diamonds are usually the ones you don’t hear on the radio


Declan O’Rourke is a steamer.


The one with the wood stuck outside like a scaffold

That one. :grinning::grinning:

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What people don’t realise about these houses is its not going to have a good effect on kids growing up in them. They’ll be viewed in their community like the children of landed gentry were in times gone by.

What kills me about these concept houses is the amount of space they waste. The fella that put the bit of the house on stilts for example. It would have been easier, cheaper and looked better if he’d just built more house under it. He’d have a grand utility then. Most of them aren’t functional houses at all. I’d say you’d be cursing yourself after a year. Fuck it, I should have put in an en-suite instead putting in that ridiculously angled wall that cost me a small fortune

Did he even have an island?

Exactly. As well as that the Big Bad Wolf could toddle along any day and blow the whole fucking thing down.