Tonight's TV - Continuation of earlier drivel

The Claire Byrne show is a bit of a shambles isn’t it?

They bring on all these nobodies to talk about Tik Tok videos.

Kate O Connell is a handy name to have on the rolodex. She only lives down the road and she can either come in and administer a vaccine or talk shite for Fine Gael.

Joe here has a grand head of hair.

Quick hugs are permitted

Cliona will give her Mum a quick hug.

Keep the windows open

A good swim on Christmas day is permitted

Diarmuid is a bit touched.

Was she wearing the Little House on the Prairie dress?

There’s a real trashy, sensationalist, tabloid feel to everything Claire Byrne does. The name says it all really. Can’t imagine a ‘Brian Farrell live’ back in the day.


They should give her a slot on Saturday night. Maybe a relaunch of “secrets”?

Matt Carthy fairly destroyed the crazy fluoride lady there.


He what ???

The lovely Aine O’Connor from Waterford interviewing Bing Crosby there on Pat Shortts music show. She was taken from us too young.

The Echo Boys on now. When did they outlaw child labour in Cork?

She was a good looking woman

Lovely girl.

Couple of bodhran baters from Clare on here

The Corrs first tv appearance here