Tonight's TV - Continuation of earlier drivel

Frank Patterson had a great set of pipes

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I never knew Jerry Lee Lewis lived in Ireland. We mustn’t have had an extradition treaty with the USA then.

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Dolores on now

Handy if Marty is watching, he can swot up on the words again for tomorrow

You must be a ball of nerves, with so many comments on this harmless auld shite.

From wikipedia:

In 1993, Lewis moved to Ireland with his family in what was suggested (but denied) to be a move to avoid issues with the Internal Revenue Service.[66] He lived in a rented house on Westminster Road in Foxrock, Dublin, and during his time there was sued by the German company Neue Constantin Film Production GmbH for failure to appear at a concert in Munich in 1993.[67] Lewis returned to the US in 1997 after his tax issues had been resolved by Irish promoter Kieran Cavanagh.[68]

She’s just signing goodnight to the lads before they retire for the evening.

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Anyone watching RTE2 at the moment, a programme about Chimps. Holy fuck, they are vicious bastards. A haype of them turned on the boss man and and left him in some state. Bit off his thumb, big dirty gash on his leg and ripped open his ballsack.

No wonder we’re such a cruel shower of bastards after evolving from these cunts.

Ah I saw a real life documentary years ago about them in a zoo. Every morning the female zoo keeper was on they’d jerk off and throw it at her. They knew it got to her. Animals is right. …

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Looks like Claire Byrne will have a freezer on display to show us how the vaccine will be stored

Another strand of Covid in UK says Claire

Back under the bed there Mick

This is continually a bloody bizarre show, with main function of scare mongeting and the bleeding obvious.

Who still watches this shit? Have we viewership figures? I suspect her numbers are dipping like fuck.

18 miles from Cloyne to Blackpool.
18 fucking miles.
Ring was only a bollocks.


Fell out with Donal Og.

Hoggy is incredible.

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what was the story on it? fall out ?

Medal hunting

He was a bollox who’d ate you and every relative of yours and everyone u know in a hurling field

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Frank :clap:

This is an incredible show of Corkness.

If the soft Cork Senior team don’t run through walls next year after watching this they should have it up

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Have it recorded. Did the Mickey Burke incident get a mention?