Tonight's TV - Continuation of earlier drivel

Just watched that. Susan Hegarty is charmingly bad at television.
Brilliant show though.

Anyone ever seen Bad Ass? It’s just starting there now on Sony TV. Is it worth a gawk?

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David McWilliams show on TV3 at lunchtime earlier…was decent enough.

The segment on Vulture funds was v informative.

The Fall this season is some pile of dirt.


It is absolutely dire.
As an aside, we just spent an entertaining 90 mins watching “grabbers” on Netflix.
Herself spent most of it in hysterics , and declared it the most racist film she had ever seen.

Ps The Barkley Marathons is absolutely brilliant.

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Saw that the other day myself and utterly enjoyed it. Great craic. The lad that broke the record time is an odd, intense chap.

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He is indeed. Was delighted to see the young lad finish it the year after.
It’s insane. One loop would be like going up and down Croats Patrick 5 times.

I see where Goodbody et al were out in the Sunday Times today warning against changing that loophole around charities. You couldn’t make it up, the shameless bastards.

Ah forgot about the lovely Rachel and countdown😚

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Il Divo here on Sky Arts. Singing YNWA. I literally have a tear in my eye.

Eddie Hobbs has just come out with the worst scutter I’ve heard in a long time


An unmitigated cunt.

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Jaysus the first episode of the new season of the walking dead. Gruesome viewing.

That Claire Byrne show is awful . She has a poor handle on issues and is vastly overrated . Hobbs is a cunt . Rare I agree with Paul Murphy but he was spot on tonight .

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Murphy is good on shows like this. He almost always holds his own despite being outnumbered moe often than not.

I bet he’d be good in a hostage situation too.


The bit he told about the choir analogy was bizarre. He wasn’t speaking to a motivation seminar where people had ponied up a couple of hundred quid. You could see halfway through he realised who he was talking to and sh*it the togs.

Paul O’Connell and Tony McCoy on “A Question of Sport” at the moment.
