Tonight's TV - Continuation of earlier drivel

This is a pretty shit version of the song now,your man is singing through his teeth

Lynne Ruane is a filthy auld yoke.

Did you get a jump on her?

She was on some rte show tonight, regaling tales of pissing and shitting herself.


The Serpent is a great show on BBC. A right evil bastard he was

I’ve only caught bits of two episodes but the way we were seems a good show

I saw that. Filthy

Nuts storyline. Birds in it are unreal too

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The likes of her should be in a mother and baby home

Mental. It’s a true story isn’t it?

Yeah. Seems they pieces together all his crimes and then padded the story out with likely storyline.

You’d wonder if it hadn’t been westerners, how many could he have killed unnoticed

He probably killed dozens of locals as well for practise. A brazen cunt

Bizarre stuff on RTE one tonight.

What’s happening?

Parents picking dates for their kids.

Attention seeking cunts

Just trying to offload a dependent.

American sniper on sky cinema “feel good”

Plenty of alcohol theft so far on Crimecall tonight