Tonight's TV - Continuation of earlier drivel

Lovely dress on Joanne here.

What is this absolute shite on Rte 2

The more Mary Lou says something the more we realize she has nothing to say


Darragh Maloney has piled on a few pounds

Jack Chambers on Matt Coopers show now.
“Be cool Jack, be cool”

John Kiely manager of the year.

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John has lovely curtains.

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Tinfoil. The Tippos will combust when they see it.


Kiely Kiely Kiely

Magnificent words and a fine headset as well.



They didn’t cost 3k needs to have a word with someone


As good a man as you’ll see

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I was thinking the same. If we had Kiely running the country there’d be lads on obscure New Zealand sports forums now saying “Look at Oirelind”

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This Jack Chambers chap talks like a ventriloquists doll.

You’d imagine Leinster have to be team of the year.

Team of the year - Limerick hurlers.

Hon ta fuck.

YEEEEEEEEEESSSSSSS 3/3 on the night.

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Limerick will break tfk tonight

Jack Chambers about to crack here

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Never in doubt