Tonight's TV - Continuation of earlier drivel

Baz has wintered well.

Watched Sahara the last few weeks. Hard to believ only 30 years ago people lived like this.


He went on a train ride through Africa for one show. Was a great bit of TV. I think it was him anyway. Cairo to Cape Town or something it was called

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His journeys on the west side of South America were brilliant

@flattythehurdler, would you qualify for Ireland’s Fittest Family?

Well I’d rather nail my fingers to the floor, and herself thinks walking out for coffee is exercise, so probably not.

Go away! I’d bet you were in it already?


Under Siege 2 on ITV4

Watching this program about the Kinahans here. I’ll give Davy’s new show a swerve.

Same, should be interesting.

Clare back in a Mammy of the bride dress.

Guilt now is the issue

A good upstanding Protestant town. You’d know it straight away.

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A contact tracer on now.

She has really aged in the past year.

She surely has. I’d say it’s long Covid


“Tell us about the person who had the most contacts”

I got a call from a contact tracer a few weeks back.

‘Hi dodgy, I’m Joanne calling from contact tracing. I’m just ringing about someone you may have been in contact with at work last Sunday…’

‘I’ll stop you there, I wasn’t in work last Sunday.’

‘Oh right. You’re probably not a close contact of that person so.”

‘Yeah, I’d say not.’

‘Thanks dodgy.”

‘Take care. Bye.’

Sinusitis and Covid toes now.