Tonight's TV - Continuation of earlier drivel

ah it does
this particular one was brilliant though.
you can really see the pure evil behind the leader of the cult, rode this young one, caught on camera and then had a simple brainwashed fella dispose of her body to prevent the secret getting out

Media recluse Christy Dignam is on Living with Lucy in 10 mins.
I’m growing more and more weary of Christy.


He always irked me.

Proper bit of burgling going on here on Crimecall. None of your messers jumping in over the counter to rob a few fags.

They haven’t a prayer of catching this lad. He was carrying a distinctive crow bar. If you know anybody with a distinctive crow bar let us know.


A shepherd on now.

Holly Cairns is hot and I would, but that accent is fair annoying

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A right dealbreaker

I hate Thursdays, no real sport on tv… Anything good on tonight?

InterToto Cup on tv tonight . Man U in Spain

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World Snooker qualifiers

Why is Eddie O’Sullivan arguing with People Before Profit about Prince Phillip dying? This is absolutely bizarre stuff

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He’s making clane shit of her but how did this line up come abiut :joy::joy::joy:

Probably wouldn’t even make the top 10 most bizarre things on the Claire Byrne show over the past year in fairness.

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Bizarre doesn’t do it justice

Most pointless (and that’s saying something) thing I’ve seen on this show in a while.

Dunno but it’s a nice distraction from the weather thread

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Eddie would be a great poster on TFK

@artfoley would be on his back all day long

He’d be a great man for the jargon thread with his bags of hammers and unrung bells.

Another Claire Byrne show mock up!