Tonight's TV - Continuation of earlier drivel

He’s the first lad who got that reaction from lamping one

Do his family own Larkins chipper that he was regularly frequenting with Jackie Tyrell?

Don’t think so. It’s a very well known chipper in Kilkenny though

In the name of the father on TG4

Neil Armstrong
He had balls bigger than King Kong!


That’s a blast from the past.

Smother on RTÉ. Filmed during the winter below in Lahinch.

Jasus, they’re all frozen in it. No great add for Lahinch.

Bit womanly by the way. I’m only half watching it.

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Finding Jack Charlton on Virgin 1 now

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It was miserable here for about two months when they were filming, you wouldn’t have the dog out in it

A few of us went down to Lahinch for new years back in 2009 or 10, back when there were a few cold spells. We rented a house in an estate to the left as you go in, across from the road to the Golf Club. We nearly died with the cold in the fucking place. I’d say there wasn’t a leaf of insulation in the house and it was probably only built in the previous ten years. Spent most or the time in P Frawley’s (RIP) anyway which was a blessing i suppose.

What month was it? No leaves on the trees.

Good job you fixed the roof on the mud hut last summer.

They were here in a couple of spells, but I think it was Oct/Nov when they were supposed to be doing outdoor stuff

Documented evidence of it now. We might get Attenborough to do a few specials next.

I watched the first 3 episodes but I found it very average and was only half watching the last one. They had a scene where the three daughters were ating a bit of lunch outside and they all looked at severe risk of hypothermia.

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there is a superb episode of cracker on virgin 3 now.
Kenneth the vicar and his cult riding young ones…this one i remember is 2 episodes long…a fucking belter
“all flesh is grass”


Should keep him going for a while

Cracker was brilliant from memory. Kind of blends in a bit in my mind with Taggart, similar gritty feel. Does it hold up well, thought it might have dated?

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The hillsborough one with Robert Carlyle wax epic.

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