Tonight's TV - Continuation of earlier drivel

Fucking hell, Geldof is some wank still.

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Let’s hope it’s from the window box

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Brooklyn on RTE 1 now for an insight into Wexford and America in a bygone era.

Never realised Wexford was full of rubby heads in blazers before Dorce. @Bandage jr is following a noble tradition.


Heat coming to an end on TCM. A helluva movie. Wayne Gro, despite expecting severe retribution, is about to meet his end. W

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Claire Byrne will be discussing how Covid will effect us long term with regards to our behaviours etc with yer man who wears the plastic bag on his head.

Suspect we will see a lot of Pete Lunn over the coming months.

Blindboy is as shnakey and commercially aware as the day is long.


He’s not afraid of a loud packed room if they’ve paid money to come see him though

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A scutter merchant of the first order.

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Must be very uncomfortable to have to wear the mask over the plastic bag

Claire has been to the hairdressers :kissing_heart:

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The Ursula Jacob look

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She’s looking well.

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I’m watching this doc about Marie Cassidy here. Its very interesting

Everytime she turns up in a place there’s a dead body. She’s worse than Jessica Fletcher


She doesn’t come across as being as nosey though

The shy and retiring Gina from Hugo’s on tv3 tonight show.


She must have millions worth of exposure for Hugo at this stage. They’ll be queueing around the corner

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The RAI spokesman is an accident waiting to happen every time he does media, he’s such a dullard he’d put you off every wanting to dine out again in case you might bump into him. The restauranters are only too happy to let Gina make the most of her connections I’d say

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On the telly now :see_no_evil:

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