Tonight's TV - Continuation of earlier drivel

Big Colm Brophy is getting even bigger.


A cunts cunt if ever there was one

They’ve the same handful of politicians who’ve been living in The Tonight Show studio over the last year - Louise O’Reilly, Niall Collins, Lisa Chambers, Brophy et al.


FOTF Park Maul is up

Edit: had to turn it off, can’t listen to James Corden

Corden is a cunt. Is he now in Friends?


What sort of a geebag would sit down to watch this in the first place?


This geebag right here, thanks.

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Don’t take it personally

It was a vicious attack


Your man on the Hard Shoulder was on as I was driving into the airport this evening. Went to a break with “…and up next we’ll be chatting to one of the stars of friends”

He chatted to the woman who played Ross’ lesbian wife.

I’m watching it. Matthew Perry is a candidate for celebrity deaths.

Forgot how good Aniston looked back then. Doesn’t make the auld birds thread though.

The English host is a twat.

is she gone away down hill?

Waaaaay down. Downtown

jaysus if she is gone what way is Courtney Cox

It’s a Botox car crash :see_no_evil:

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Exactly what I was thinking.

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ah jesus

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Friends :rofl::rofl::rofl:

Different generation. We were early 20s back then. It got shit after season 4 but it was good at the start.

Cox and Aniston were crackers back in the day.