Tonight's TV - Continuation of earlier drivel

The sort of chap who’d stand up got crystal swing or Terence and have a pop off Una. Cork.

She seems a lovely girl, doesn’t fit my idea of a pop star, not that I know many pop stars, the Saturday’s seemed to promote themselves as quite a streetwise band, Una seems fierce innocent

Lads are mad to take offence :grinning:

Sure she’s been over the jumps a few times at this stage.

Forget I said anything, I thought that she was in a band with Cheryl Tweedy and Sarah Harding, I’ve never heard of the other Saturdays :grinning: so they could well be a more recent S club 7 aimed at small kids ??

S Club 7 had some proper tunes.


Backtrackinginatracksuit should be your username


A very innocent comment, I didn’t want to cause so much upset🤷‍♂️

Deary me

Evanne niChuillean is anchoring the Paralympics report from Tokyo on RTE currently.
She has Joanne O’Riordan on the panel. She’s a breath of fresh air is Joanne, chirpy, knowledgeable and a credit to herself and all her family. A little belter.


Go handy on the blue tablets boxty. We don’t want you getting a heart attack.

Joanne is a great bit of stuff, an inspiration

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Show on BBC 1 here about 9/11. Looks good for a start.

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It doesn’t end well. Some bad shit goes down

Someone can’t wait to dance (legally) on Nphets grave

This cunt should stay out of the limelight. If he’s on telly all OIUTF Twitter will oppose him and Champ will get cold feet.

Sarah being a bit stroppy here, not allowing Leo his victory lap

Oh no, here’s Paul Murphy. :frowning:

The far left are a laughing stock nowaday


He’s a gobshite, on complaining without being sure what he’s complaining about.

He makes Stephen Donnelly look like a savvy operator