Tonight's TV - Continuation of earlier drivel

Glad you saw sense

I am a compassionate conservative now

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Ah FFS, Donnelly is on The Tonight Show.

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How Donnelly survived this whole sorry episode I will never know

That was an excellent show.

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I agree.

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Tomás headbanger Ryan now

George W had real movie star quality about him at the scene in ground zero. That was probably the high point of his presidency. Came across well in the show tbf.


Jesus Christ. Will we ever be rid of those poindexters.

Not if ye keep watching them and driving up the clicks and keeping them relevant

This guy made his career scaring the bajaysus out of simpletons, big money in that he wont be going anywhere

Who will count up the daily figures when Nphet get the heave ho? Or do we just stop bothering

Varadkar saying October 22nd isn’t a done deal, that it depends on the public health advice a week before.

There’ll be a huge clamour for a booster campaign by then.

This headbanger Ryan on now about closing schools.


Ryan is a psycho

A well timed hack?

Its a joke to be honest. 90% of the country are fully vaxxed at this point.

Big asterisks over todays bullshit from Mehall Martin -hospitals been overrun and or a new variant of concern being key questions.

I’m a positive fella generally but this bullshit today should be called out for what it is. Masks of course are staying the course regardless.

We did it guys

A victory for zen!

A victory for all of us

A great watch The Big Short is coming up soon on one of the TCM channels.
A must for gambling types of the stick or twist variety.

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