Tonight's TV - Continuation of earlier drivel


I didnt say the ones that lose at gambling aren’t the “sharpest knives in the drawer”, I said the ones who struggle with it. Many of you lose at it, and don’t even up sucking other mens cocks for money. Well I presume not.

OK you mean anyone addicted to gambling isn’t the sharpest knife in the drawer. Some people have addictive personalities they are just susceptible to it. They could as easily be addicted to drink, cigarettes, drugs, sex. Or some of those together. Many brilliant people have addiction problems its unfair label those people as dumb. They’re flawed.

how much did Davy Glennon own ??? And to whom ???

Aye, flawed in their common sense and cop on. But shur make excuses for them, that’ll help.

cc Davy Glennon

There was huge gaps in the film there .

They never said. Couldn’t have been all dig outs by friends and family he must have got a loan too for a car or whatever and punted it away.

Its scary how easily you could get sucked into a hole and end up losing your bollocks. When I started off getting more serious about gambling many years ago I assumed I knew more than I did. I felt my opinion was better than the average Joe soap and I had also educated myself by reading books about gambling. Most young fellas in their late teens or early twenties wouldnt do that. And still and all I often suffered a bad loss, still do but not as bad.

The worst ever was the night I was watching the darts and i kept betting Robert Thornton to hold his throw and win each leg against Phil Taylor. It was pure muggery i was only betting out of pure boredom. Taylor won about five legs in a row when Thornton started and I kept thinking “this can’t happen again, just double up on Thornton the next leg and you’ll get it back”. I lost about €500 in about 30mins it was a harsh lesson. Luckily I had won a nice amount the day before on some horse or dog so I must have felt clever and that I had got the hang of the gambling lark. I think I’d won 600-700 the day before which was a great touch for me at the time and I just frittered it away mindlessly in the blink of an eye.

That’s how the boys with the problems end up where they are. They can’t handle the grief of losing say €500 and they start doubling up to get it back and before they know it they’re digging a bigger and bigger hole. It takes discipline to cut your losses and walk away for the night knowing you’d lost €500 or whatever it may be. Let me tell you it can happen in the blink of an eye and it could happen to fine intelligent fellas too. They are lacking in restraint. If I had a son now in in his teens or approaching his teens I’d be worried about gambling and I would educate him thoroughly on the subject, particularly/especially the pitfalls. I think a massive thing is don’t bet out of boredom or to enhance your enjoyment of watching something. If you can’t watch the match or the horse race without a bet on it you’re going wrong. There will be more young fellas with problems in this area to come.


Chasing losses , and chasing and …

There are huge amounts of 20 somethings nowadays who spend huge time in the bookies.


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+1. A lot of extremely talented people suffer from addiction problems, thinking of George Best, Alex Higgins, Paul McGrath in sport, in music you’ve got Joplin, Hendrix, Morrisson, Cobain, literary people like Brendan Behan and Stephen King. Extremely talented and gifted in what they did. Addiction goes a bit deeper than a lack of cop on.

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Miriam O’Callaghan looking fantastic on tonight’s Primetime. Her slit should still be on RTE +1

Posted before spidey can edit


I just read that. Holy fuck @Spidey

An unfortunate but not inaccurate typo

Was it meant to be slot or slut? To be honest, none are particularly PC.


Shes put a lot of work into that slot over the years.

My own gambling is not the most scientific either. Literally surveying the market and finding the value. If most bookmakers across the board have a horse at 10-1 and I can get him at 16-1 with another firm I will take that price. I never back horses after a win as I think they will be over rated, often looking for a horse who has won off a mark before and is down to that mark again after a series of runs.

With Handicap betting I always think the spread on the side of the favourite covering a handicap is more bullish than an underdog beating the spread so will side with the underdog in those scenarios. This works well in American football.

Of course Its handy when there is a horse tipped up in ‘the sport of Kings and equine matters’ thread as well.

Tom McGurk clean house on RTE 1