Tonight's TV - Continuation of earlier drivel

This is a shambles of an audience put together by RTÉ. A member of the National Party whatever the fuck that is and now a member of Christian Protection of Ireland. Nutters who represent nobody invited on to debate with the panel and that moron Kehoe seems to be there to represent the pro migration side despite their awful track record.

A handful is true but you cant say our demographics has not dramatically changed in the last 30 years.

Most people are grand but I’m of the opinion we as a small country who havent caused any of this instability in the ME & North Africa, should look after our own social problems and homeless first.

Genuine refugees I’ve no problem with, but when the stats suggest that 90% are young males…I do get apprenshive about it.

Why do you insist that we need to solve the problem all on our own? Why should that preclude us from doing our share, more than the tokenism we have offered up so far.

And as far as modern geopolitics goes, we’re part of a modern trade group that is imperialist in all but name. We’re happy to hide behind trade tariffs but don’t feel responsibility for how that might impact on the developing world.


And why can’t young males be refugees? And we are as responsible for the perpetuation of this inequality as any of our EU neighbours.

And of course our demographics have changed. In a world with access to travel it would be frightening if we remained as insular and homogenous ad we were a decade or so ago.

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Huba huba.bring over more syrian women



As much as we might like to think it pal, we dont matter at all pal as a country…The token you’ve described is fair with regards to Syrian refugees

But I’d have my doubts about a lot of young single males coming from North Africa outside of Libya…thats where the area gets a bit grey…a lot of these fellas are just moving for economic reasons…my point is we should be looking after Irish people sleeping on the streets first.

Cunningham did well with the fat fuck there. Grabbed the olive branch off him and shoved it up his fat hole.


Not watching but based on that tweet I assume he is winning hands down .

Weird assumption

There’s nothing wrong with young males being refugees, my point is if it was women and children first it would be more palatable.

Or even if the ratio was a bit more even.

So we don’t spend money on anything else until we sort out the homeless? It’s not a straight choice - we spend money on thousands of things. If we’re constructing a hierarchy then I’d eager taking in some refugees should rank higher than building stadia or joining up the Luas lines or cutting the USC or handing back some tax we don’t want.

I found this humorous.

I’m all for that.

Middle Eastern women are amongst the most beautiful in the world.

Was a rubbish debate really but he came across as expected.

Look at our hospitals Rocko…our country is in a bad state…we dont have the capacity, housing stock to support a massive inflow of people who wont be able to support themselves for at least a generation.

Thats the reality unfortunately.

Sure you did. He’s one of your clique. If it was @Tassotti or @HBV you’d be dishing out the suspensions.


Can the Italian health system cope with their influx?

If we all just hooshed up a bit on the sofa we’d be grand.

Did he call anybody a paedo?