Tonight's TV - Continuation of earlier drivel

They’re goosed pal…which is sad as theyve gone above and beyond with regards to refugees.

Couple of their banks are going to fail v soon.

They were shouting at each other a lot but I think he said all muslim men needed to be trained not to rape women or something along those lines.

He still hasnt forgiven them for the drinking jibe

That cunt is only on RTE to create a stir…Cunningham is on the other spectrum then of course…never anyone with a bit of common sense.

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I know. But we are either in a European union or not, whether we like it or not. Nobody thinks we can sort out but we could do a lot more.

They’re not goosed because of refugees. And the refugees have nothing to do with the poor lending practices of Italian banks. They are goosed because the population has been in decline for decades. Arguably the best thing for them is an influx of vigorous young male workers to kickstart the economy.

I’d prefer to be out of that cunt of an undemocratic union anyway.

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Yes because we did so well before we joined it.

We’re not though

Another lovely bit of bile here. Some of these lads would be a good addition to this place

My post might have read that way…obviously the banks failing has nothing to do with that…but they also cant take in 100-150k a year either forever…which they have being doing to their credit.

They’ve taken your view and embraced them nationally which is v the long term, it will reap rewards population wise etc…but it isnt sustainable in the short term either for them imo.

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all fair comment.

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Doesn’t Mr. O’Doherty claim to be anti-“nanny state”* and ridicule any notion of “rape culture” put forward by women?

That sounds very nanny statish to me.

*right-wing cliche thread update incoming

Your showing a lot of empathy for Italy here which is absolutely fair. But you don’t think we should support them and help bear the weight? Bit of a contradiction IMO.

I don’t have the answers either BTW.

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I don’t think he knows himself what he’s for and not for at this stage. He’s for controversy and attention maybe

Is he having a breakdown?

With respect mate, Italy is geographically a couple of hundred miles from North Africa…they’re also the 3rd strongest economy in the EU since Brexit.

@Fagan_ODowd was on the ball with the extra population adding to their GDP…there’s a law of diminshing returns with that though.

We on the other hand are out on our own in the Atlantic…by world standarda we’re over achieving but are more inequal every year by the year.

I wouldn’t follow him closely enough to say for sure. He was as much of a cunt in the past anyways. Bizarre enough approach to your career. The only thing I’m absolutely sure about is that he doesn’t believe half of what comes out of his mouth

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You said they were goosed about 20 mins ago which I think is accurate.

I’m not sure whether I want to believe whether he believes what he says, or not.

Either way it makes him a cunt.

I suspect he very much does believe it.

I didn’t see the Claire Byrne programme tonight but the reaction has been extremely negative even by his standards.

Being the 3rd largest economy in the EU and being goosed arent necessarily non mutually exclusive pal.

Their banks could well go after normal Italian punters deposits.
