Tonight's TV - Continuation of earlier drivel


There’s a simple compromise here. Bring in the genuine Syrian refugees and fuck out the spongers who’ve been appealing their deportation for the last ten years

Can we not just set up some sort of Battle Royale/Hunger Games arena and let them fight to the death?

A documentary on the Bradford fire disaster is coming up now on BT Sport.

Excellent doc on tg4 there about the Arranmore disaster.One poor auld woman lost a husband two daughter’s and four sons in the disaster with the only survivor being another son of hers

Damien English, Housing Minister for State, on Prime Time earlier. Fuck me but he must be the worst speaker I have heard in an Irish politician and that says something. At one stage a few drops of saliva were on his lip as he spluttered out something.

Interesting piece on before it about a nutjob from Dublin who joined ISIS and blew himself up for no apparent reason a couple of weeks ago.

Anyone see Coca Cola lady on RTE one😱

Three of the same ould cunts on Brendan O’Connor here.

This must be one of the worst shows ever commissioned by RTE.

Great show

Its actually a great format…and I’d rarely praise RTE.

It’s utter drivel.

Vincent Browne pisses all over it.

Brownes format is tiring now tho…he doesnt have an answer to anything other then to object to everything.

They are both shite ; D4 echo chambers and a few bland careerist politicians .

Citizen Khan is on now, BBC1 its one of my favourite shows, its like a paki version of Mrs Browns Boys


The Bounty on the sony ch,Hopkins,Day Lewis and Gibson.Unrale.

Die Hard starting on RTE 2 there. Never get tired of it


Hon Christy.

Christ almighty, there’s some young lad after mangling Hold me Now on the late late, he’s our representative for next years Eurovision, you need to hear how bad it was, it was like a primary school concert, I don’t even think his voice has broken.


Louis Walsh is an awful man.