Tonight's TV - Continuation of earlier drivel

Your wan can still afford her john player blue…

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He had also chosen a profession that gave him 3 months paid holidays in the year, annual guaranteed increments and a short working week.

Proxcide bird at de back dower havin her smokes… sure it’s all I bleedin have…

No wonder he can’t get a job. Imagine listening to that voice in an interview for 30 mins.

This lady seems the most normal of them.

Plenty of jobs out there…reality is she’d be down money if she went out and got a job.

The system is wrong.

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We’ve an idea Tommy.
We’ll get you to host a show where the basis of it is to let you interview people off the cuff completely unprepared. It will be unreal.

Tommy continually lets us know what his quests are going to perform or talk about later in his interviews ALL THE FUCKING TIME.

Who the fuck is producing or directing the utter utter cunt of a show?

There’s a family down the road from me and they’ve never worked a day in their lives. Three generations. About six of them in the house. No interest in looking for work. Must be taking in €100k a year net between them. Medical cards galore too.

You see the dire straits most people on social welfare find themselves in and it would boil your piss to see others riding the system.

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Tommys show is growing on me, good engagement with the guest. And a bit of madness.

The anti-Tubridy


Normally dont like him but he is more natural than tubbs


Delighted to see a good friend and former colleague on Vincent Browne now

Tag fuking rugby. Jesus wept.

Snowflake playing tag rugby

Nuff said


That is a very low hurdle. Say something more complimentary

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Lisa McHugh is lovely

Some people are able to work the system to a tee…you’d feel sorry for people down on their look in fairness but others are living more comfortably then ourselves paying half the mortgage/rent that you or I would have to pay for the same house…that’s a reality and they don’t have to bother going to work in the morning.

High gas bill. Turn off the heating love!

Nice dog and bone in her hand

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Put on a coat you cunt.

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He’s a cunt, mate.

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Clerys bird is 31


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#get a job
#can’t pay the rent in Dublin? Move you cunt

#gimme gimme gimme

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