Tonight's TV - Continuation of earlier drivel

Your one is lovely


This fella is queer.

Cork lad has landed on his feet she is smashing

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A queer from a farming family in Leitrim.

I’d say his auld lad is fairly low tonight.


The two gay lads have crossed swords already



Was that former LK hurler Hegarty on Primetime tonight ref all the drugs being pumped into Greyhounds?

They were a lovely couple infairness. Even if the Cork lad had teeth like the vicar in the Dick Emery show.


Great first date conversation here

I don’t know I’m watching first dates

Catch it on the Player.

Where do they find these people


Aidan O’Shea has let himself go.

She was wife material

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They definitely have a casting agent full time in the George anyway

The smugness off those two gays is off the chart.

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I was gonna post same thing! Dublin is a small town was a euphemism if I ever heard one…

That poor lad is fucked, he’s now a task on of letting her down gently somewhere down the line.

If that fucking ape is letting the drive from Cork to Dublin keep him away from her he’s some clown

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Big time.

He probably can’t commit coz he’s vice captain of the local gaelic football team

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