Tonight's TV - Continuation of earlier drivel

Not me but @Smark’s love interest acquitted herself well.

Some of the most hated figures in the game front and center too, no wonder it’s fucked.

I’m never watching that shite again.

Didn’t expect to see Olivier Giroud on there tonight.

He was a bit gutted the other gayer only wanted to be friends.

That lady is sensational, if the Cork chap gives her the cold shoulder because she’s a few hours up the motor way he is an idiot.

She’s good looking, sound and - most notably for a woman - not apparently mental.

How the fuck has she not been snapped up already.

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Pat Herbert, is that the best the IGB could wheel out to bat for them? :smile:

Dolores Ruth spoke very well, as usual. She would be a good woman to have as chairperson of the industry. It has been run into the ground by successive, failed boards. They fairly filleted a few trainers/training hands as well. Pat Curtain was thrown under the bus :laughing::joy:

And Chris Connolly got a rough time of it too and what harm but he seems a nice lad. I wonder who was feeding them their information?

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Ah yes, Herbert.

Me & my Hegarty :rollseyes:

I was thinking the exact same thing, they were very well informed. Though there’s no shortage of insiders looking to bring down that inept board.

I see the fella they’ve appointed to be in charge now is the same gombeen that shut down the Irish sugar industry :joy: even though he was using accounts that were 4 years out of date to make his decision.

Lee Chin’s Toughest Trade coming up at 10.35pm.

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Darcy has made a poof out of some harmless country chap here. He looks like @TheUlteriorMotive now.

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Pat Shortt on Darcy again.

Pat Shortt is some cunt for laughing at his own jokes that arent funny.

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Samantha Mumba is lovely.

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She is grand but Darcy’s cuntishess can’t be defeated .

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Colm O’Gorman is one ignorant pontificating cunt.

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Who pays his salary ??

Falling Man -Documentary on jumpers from the world trade centre on more 4 now

Ray Darcy now.

Reptilian features on show here.

Sorry lads. Dirty Dozen on tg4 . A cracker in fairness

Watched it a few weeks ago. Savage film but Some very weird bits in it.