Tonight's TV - Continuation of earlier drivel

my neighbour won u19 player of the year and he’s a fucking great lad, watching it here with his two sisters

Smokedown celebrations?

negetive, work in the morning pal

Dermot ‘Dizzy’ Lyng advertising his Bressie of hurling credentials on RTE. Some utter tosh being sprouted.

Tony Griffin nearly worse

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Jesus did you see Eddie s trousers?

Not sure he can pull that look off!

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Poor old Eddie is morto they are all slagging off the trousers

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A weird 5 mins on Claire Byrne here. Some segment on steroids which had a gym owner who used to be a personal trainer claiming that rugby is full of illegal stuff and growth hormones. Then some lad throws out that Glanbia own all the companies selling this stuff so if Glanbia own them then they must be legit.

Claire calls a halt to proceedings and kicks off the next segment about giving people the choice to die at home vs a hospital and who’s leading the segment only Paul Kimmage. Odd out.

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It was a bizzare discussion. Everyone contradicting each other and it not really clear who was actually in favour of supplements and who wasn’t.

A bit like a TFK thread


A segment on it all with Kimmage out the back voicing no opinion is even weirder.

He must have been banging his head off the wall wanting to burst out on the stage and condem the supplement peddalers to hell.

The ex Big Brother contestant giving equal weighting broadcast-wise as a qualified medical professional. That’s balance for ya.

Charlie Flanagan must have a pain in his hole listening to the plight of Ibrahim Halawa.

As do the rest of us.


Still not a gug out of his father about this travesty of justice

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Yerra Oliver J is dead with years


Ah lovely.

Daniel and Majella unearthed two fine weirdos there.

Daniel had a rissole in Wexford. Cc @Bandage

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