Top 10 Irish Restaurants (that spidey visited in a week )

How was the toastie anyhow?

forget about the Michilin stars now after they handed one to this place, from my memory of about a year ago the food wasn’t pretentious merely slightly above average.
heard the owner fight with tom doorley on radio and he is a prized French cunt, seemed to revel that the Italian down the road had closed. arrogant nasty prick.

its funny what a Michelin star can do though, i was running past the place one night a week or so after it got the star and it now seems to have become a fucking taxi rank, place was full all-right but there must have been 5 taxi parked outside, on a Thursday night

I’d say the wife was mortified with the carry on of you kid. You ruined what was supposed to be a special night for her.


A grand Faughs pub, did you get some sympathy in there from the lads? Fucking rabbit is no substitute for monk fish tis true. You should have popped out, I’d have done you a grand fillet of cod and top class home-made chips as described on the ravenous thread. You would have to sit on a tea chest however.

€11 for dessert is outrageous unless it’s hand-built by virgins and made of solid Wispas or something.

I’m looking for a nice city centre spot that don’t need reservations and won’t be jammed at between 6-7pm tomorrow. Thanks guys.

The 51, Haddington Road.

A tenner for a meal and a pint.

Market Tavern fade st. Tapas

Is this for the Tipperhairy one? You’d be as well sticking to a cawvewy dinner of some sort. Anything else might confuse her.

She told me she does not come fwom a fawming backgwound which I found weassuwing.

I’ve heard bad things about The 51’s clientele.

Any particular type of food you’re after Bomber?

Cafe Parigi - Sir John Rogersons Quay.

Pure Skullduggery Carter !! you´re leadng the italian into a trap !!
nice building and tapas is good (except patata bravas could be a bit hotter)…but going there on a friday at that time is a no no…full to the brim of everyone staring at everyone else…saturday night avoid too unless u got a flame thrower to scorch the sports jacket and jeans wearing tossers…wall to wall with wankers and wankerettes…if all goes to plan and you´ve spent the weekend in the boneyard with her maybe sunday afternoon would be nice time to go for tapas there…
Acupulco on georges street is a nice spot (just across from the george)…can´t imagine you´ll need a booking at that time…or Havana just up the road does nice tapas…
I love the way you Italians always think of the food first and beer second…You could teach us irish a thing or two…Your a credit to your nation Il Bomber… :clap: :clap:

Safe and traditional I suppose. I’m merely returning the favour from a nice evening out last Friday, I will be making my trek homeward to Armagh in the evening so I will be looking for a relatively short and sweet meal.

Few decent options that you might get an in and out quickly and maybe an early bird offer

Thai - The Chilli Club just off South Anne St. Best Thai in Dublin (not traditional mind)
Italian - haven’t eaten in either but Il Posto on Stephens Green and Carluccios on the corner of Dawson St and Duke St are apparently very nice. If you want real Italian head for Mick Wallaces area near the Millenium Bridge.
Normal - Harrys on Dawson St is good too. Maybe a bit over priced but food is very nice.

to save me re-reading the entire thread has anyone sampled the fare at mulligans in stoneybatter ?

Any Good?

Never, but by all accounts it’s superb.

To hijack slightly…anyone eaten in the Black Sheep pub on Capel Street? I’m going there after work and intend eating my head off.

I was in the 51 over the weekend for 1 or 2 and saw this being advertised-it is a cracking deal but what’s the food like in there? Have only ever eaten a burger from a stand there on a matchday.

The food is sheer quality. Jamie Redknapp would describe it as top, top food. Why don’t you pop in next Wednesday night to avail of the deal pal? We’ll be there early because we want to watch RTE2 from 6.30pm onwards - a cracking run starting with Home & Away followed by Football’s Next Star and ending with Celtic versus Barcelona.

That sounds wonderful mate but I am off to sunny Israel next week on bidness-another time maybe? Myself and my chums are trying to resurrect the Thursday club and decided to avail of that deal on the next available Thursday(probably 3 weeks from today) so feel free to join us.