Top 10 Irish Restaurants (that spidey visited in a week )

It would break your heart.


One bad experience there and never been back. Featherblade up the road would be superior for around the same price.

His place in Donnybrook is much much better. Never had a bad steak there. The one in Dawson Street is the same as every bar and restaurant on Dawson Street, for show and meh.

Did you consider requesting a replacement one? Or would you prefer to take it on the chin and move on?

I didn’t. It was the second bad bit of meat I’ve got in central Dublin in the last while. I had a bit of lamb in the Garden restaurant in the Merrion during the summer that Giant Haystacks wouldn’t have been able to slice through. I still regret not sending that back but like last night I didn’t want to spoil the evening for my companion.

Standards are dropping in the Capital all the same.

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Did you complain ???

Isn’t that what he’s doing here?


No I didn’t. It’s something I’ve never done. I prefer the silent pointless protest. Bear a grudge and never go back.


The Irish way. Everything okay? Yes it was lovely thanks. Then tell everyone its shite and never go back


Galling in a nice place considering the price of Guilbauds

Wasn’t Guilbauds in fairness. Never had a bad morsel there. It was the hotels own restaurant

Sorry completely misread your post :disappointed:

Your failure to call them out on it has left you out on a limb a bit. I understand you’re seething mildly but had you querulously raised an eye and made some disaffected sounds you might have fared better and restitution in some form may have been offered.
On a national level you could have gone full Grubspy on Grubadvisor and slated it / praised the recovery shot and parked it there - your displeasure noted. I’m not a fan of ribeye but I’ve noted your unhappiness with the overall presentation and have chalked the offending premises off my “must visit” list.
I hope your dining associate had a more pleasant experience and you’ve returned to your normal cheery disposition today.

Just looked that up. Looks like serious fine dining. Wouldn’t get out of there under 300 notes for 2.

You shouldn’t even try to get out of Guilbauds for less than 150 a skull.

His place in Manchester was similar. Would never go back.

I honestly think Dublin is the worst value for money eating out of almost any city I’ve visited. It’s appalling, but a sign of an over wealthy captive audience in general.

Lunch in Gilbauds is reasonable. I’d not go in the evening again. Extortionate imho.


Did you pay a tip?

It’s become silly money. Booze in restaurants has become real gouging. This was all pre Covid.

The owners blame rates, insurance, rent, labour etc

Lunch in Chaper One isn’t cheap but it’s far better value than most places around town for what you get in terms of food and experience.

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