Top Gangland Boss Shot Dead

Where’s @Tegman these days @Little_Lord_Fauntleroy?

chopped up all over Dublin


Keane Mulready is name going around. Only a kid if you look him up.

  1. Linked to the drogheda feud. Had been under threat for a while after carrying out a few fire bombings.

There was another shooting in Kilbarrack 2 nights ago

If you are to believe the rumours, the fella who chopped up was in the group that attacked that fella Robbie Lawlor. They took a gym bag off him in that incident.
Apparently the limbs were delivered in a gym bag with a note saying “this is only the start of it”

Are the “cousins” involved in the Drogheda feud?

Ya, the Maguire side definitely are travellers. Not sure on the other side.

Seems to have fit a lot in those 17 years though by the looks of things.

Dear God what are we going to do?

17 year old boy, a child. so sad.

Firstly, it’s a truly abhorrent and tragic incident. Someone that young should not be dragged into any ‘feud’.

Unfortunately, it’s fairly evident that the deceased wasn’t dragged into it and was fairly active in criminal activities. For me, if the deceased willingly partook in gangland activities, then he was aware of the associated risks. Would there be reduced levels of shock and outrage if the incident happened a few months down the track when the victim was 18?


Yes the outrage would be as bad. It’s clear he was a villain and it’s so sickening. This is our society now. A view into the lives of young people who never knew youth and were dragged up and flung out. Wild teenagers living in the movies. Bananaland. Drink and drugs are destroying that certain strata of youth in the urban centres around the country. Young men are so out of touch. Values are so askew. There are no secrets anymore.
Just help people out is as much as we can do. Sad business in our leaderless country lost at sea.


what’s the full story here?

This Robbie Lawlor seems a bit of a mad cunt.

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Is it?

He was warned his life was in danger last week due to his involvement

Sounds like Robbie wanted to go back to the safety of prison

Rumours it was Robbie Lawlor and Paul Crosby that done him. Lawlors brother in law Richie Carberry was murdered before christmas and might be pay back for that. Mulready was playing both sides but rumours he might be Eoin Maguire godson and when he was murdered sunday night Maguire got wind of it and thats why they tried shoot crosby in the taxi Monday evening. Also Mulready was friends with C Lynch from Coolock. C Lynchs father David Fred Lynch was murdered by Lawlor years ago and is seeking revenge it was C Lynch that hit Lawlor in the video doing the rounds. Dont think Mulready was there at the time but was friendly with him.

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I think I’d have been a good gangster in another life. I would take multiple rivals out every night, preferably all of them in one night, I’d just go from house to house on a motorbike and burn them out while they slept, or maybe sneak in and whack them. Luckily I’m not scumbag-inclined. It might surprise the forum but I have quite a lot of rage.

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