Top Gangland Boss Shot Dead

How would you be for the auld marching powder? That seems to be a common enough denominator here.

Don’t like it, the only drug I don’t like. I’d be scared I’d do a few lines of that and then spend the night burning down my enemies’ houses.

Thats all thats between you and them then. Stay vigilant.

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I mentioned it before but anyone diagnosed with a terminal illness should be given the option to take a few scumbags with them. Go to your local Garda station with proof of diagnosis and they give you a photo, location and necessary equipment. Open to abuse but the positives out-weigh the negatives imo.


Allegedly killed his pal lynch then went to lynch’s mother’s place drinking tea and consoling her.


Another time some fella and him had a row in prison.
Lawlor got out before your man, waited for his release date and shoot him on the steps of the prison. Allegedly.

Prison gate gotcha

Video of Clayton Lynch, soon of murdered father, slapping Robbie 'saying this is only start of it" last week. Indeed it is Clayton, not sure it was the cage you wanted to be rattling tho. Fucking fruitbag that Lawlor


It was Noel Deans mother he had the tea with

Anyway hes a headcase.

Robert is a good family man and charitable human being guys

Sorry, that’s right. Deans and Lynch two on his list and lynchs young lad the one the stirring with him last week.

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There’s a collage going around now :nauseated_face::nauseated_face::nauseated_face:

Mate. Cmon. Dont do this to yourself.

It’s too late.

Is Keane the son of the lad that gave lawlor the clip in that video?

The guy who gave him the clip is Clayton Lynch , the son of a guy RL is suspected of murdering.

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They were supposedly pally.

Guy recording the video of Lawlor getting slapped is also the one where Lawlor is said to have turned up last night and with your man not there, gave your man’s Ma a few digs…

Or so the rumour goes.

Is Mr Big (cc @mickee321) or his gang involved in this at all? Wasn’t he the bigwig around Coolock a few years ago

I guess that solo trans- Atlantic ocean row never materialised.


No post since April 2018…

I don’t ever want to see any of these pictures or videos but is a video going around of him actually being killed? :face_vomiting:

Or is it just pics of the corpse?

Might be time to delete WhatsApp. :cry:

Larry Dunnes infamous quote about ‘wait till you see what’s coming behind us’ rings true when you hear this sort of stuff going on. Human life is becoming a cheaper commodity with every passing year.

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