Top Gangland Boss Shot Dead

The last lad is well known as being a bit prickly


Is that true, lawlor had been down around limk? I know there some dundon vermin living in ballyfermot recently, thought that’s where these ones that travelled may have come from

Stop,.you’re Killeen me

I assumed a relation of Naten Killen?

They travelled up with him?

Here’s a thing. In the abandoned UK herd immunity strategy (which in reality is proceeding by stealth, like every other abhorrent Tory policy), one of the ideas floated was to set up mass centres for isolation of the elderly. They would literally be on their own for months while the virus worked its way through 60% of the “younger” population.

This was a “save the economy” argument. How would the mental health of the elderly fare as they lay on their own in a strange place for many months under this “save the economy” strategy, I wonder?

You can’t beat breeding.

Is that why Robbie Lawlor was taken out?


Herd immunity makes sense :grin:

John Dundon and Ciara Killeen’s offspring

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How’s Avril Collins getting on with the rapist?

April luvs de bones of him

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A bizarre addition to the Garda statement regarding Coronavirus. It’s almost as if they think these lads have some sense of morality, they’ll be scolding them for not being 2ms apart when they shot him next

“Murder is a heinous crime and killing someone during this global Coronavirus pandemic is sickening when people are trying to adjust to living a new way and trying to cope with the pressures this brings.”


That poor Crosby bastard will be shitting himself in isolation he’s fucked.
The lads on the RIP the hard stuff Smirnoff ice and wicked.
No one is a winner in this but let’s get the facts straight.
If there was ever a chance in hell’s of that lads torso been found it has well and truly gone.

You connected mate?


Utterly bizzare shoehorning in covid about lads who have just dispensed gangland justice… as you say, picture the scene of the lads there reprimanding each other for not standing 6 ft apart as they unload their glocks.

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A few in Drogheda raising a glass too

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