Top Gangland Boss Shot Dead

All out warfare on the mean streets of Offaly.

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Badly needed :grin:

Crazy stuff. Pregnant wife and 2 little kiddies.

I’ve a first cousin a copper up there. I must ring the mother tonight

They said on the news it’s the third Garda in 18 months to be targetted like that.

Garda targeted stationed in another county. Sinister enough.

I’ve a pal stationed in Blanch who told me about counter surveillance steps on drives home they are told to take but he said if they use more than one car/motorbike to tail you home it’s pointless enough to try and avoid it.

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Can’t avoid surveillance, simple bug on any vehicle renders anti surveillance invalid, most serious crims aren’t stupid and will bide their time , if and when they want to move

Most criminals are very stupid indeed. That’s why the majority of them end up either shot dead or incarcerated for life. Show me a successful criminal living a carefree retirement with their ill-gotten gains. Not Christy Kinahan or Gerry Hutch, that’s for certain.

No crim ever lives carefree, but the top boys aren’t inside, and won’t be, unless someone turns, and that’s rare enough

The really good criminals are the ones you’ve never heard of

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Hutch was living care free until his nephew was blasted.

Hutch had cleared his bill with the cab and was living relatively at ease.

If his nephew had not of been a silly boy he would still be living care free

truth is they are all only ever one step away from getting dragged back into it… Hutch had to flex his muscles for reputation alone once nephew got done… Once you’re seen as weak, you’re fcuked… Very few drift off into sunset…

True story I would rather break my back working and paying legitimily for items than sell drugs.

It’s just a life of misery

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Bertie Ahern


Dinny Brine

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lanzarote assisination attempt also relevant

And back to the don

I’m hoping this case outcome would be different if it were a ‘normal’ complainant. Insurer’s being able to decline paying out based on small omissions would be a terrible precedent…