Top Gangland Boss Shot Dead

It depends on what you call small ommissions. Dunne pretty much lied on all of the form relating to health.

But if you leave out significant info then expect the policy not to be paid. If you did a few lines or pills back in the day and you drink 3 pints more than you said then they might pay out

Might pay out… fuck that. The disappear to Colombia masterplan is in doubt now…

Not necessarily, you recently bumped up Mrs J’s insurance didn’t you… …

Anybody who is making a claim on their insurance would do well to wipe their social media.


So many dopes caught out living the highlife on Insta after claiming they had suffered life changing injuries before putting in a claim.

No. I think she gets a fortune if I die and i get fuckall if she does…

My missus is going the right way to getting insured

Before they die!


Can you not just have her deported

Maybe time to review her cover…


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Wasn’t there a poster here sitting on a big wedge of loose cash a while ago?
The CAB must have eyes on every forum board…

Let’s hope they don’t store it where they keep the seized cars from investigations…


Incredible bit of police work.

1 Like

If you give a hacker your device then it’s no longer your device.


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sunday july 5 2020



How criminals clean their dirty money

The Criminal Assets Bureau last week raided Chinese restaurants used as cash laundering operations — but the €1m seized is just the tip of the iceberg

John Mooney

Sunday July 05 2020, 12.01am BST, The Sunday Times

‘Money laundering is modern-day alchemy. You take cash earned from criminal activity, put it through a system designed to obliterate any trail of its origins, and then bring it out the other end as legitimate income,” said Jeffrey Robinson, author of The Laundrymen, a seminal book on the subject.

Money laundering has a symbiotic relationship with crime, according to Robinson. The financial skulduggery is most successful in countries where there is lax enforcement of money laundering laws coupled with light-touch regulation.

“Dirty money is like water: it always seeks the course of least resistance,” he added. “People involved in laundering money will always look for the softest target, that is countries where their activities can go undetected.”

The true scale of money laundering in Ireland is unknown. Nobody knows how much dirty cash is in circulation in the banking system, or who owns it. The security services believe billions might be involved but have no real idea.

If recent operations by the Criminal Assets Bureau (CAB) are anything to go by, the amount is probably substantial. The bureau last week raided Chinese restaurants that were laundering cash for small-time drug dealers, seizing €1m.

Gardai suggest sums like this are the “tip of the iceberg” of what is actually being laundered into the banking system via myriad, inventive methods. Officers have encountered cases where criminals have financed the opening of barber shops, whose cash receipts show they groom hundreds of men a month, while restaurants are a favoured vehicle for drug dealers, with eateries recording full houses most nights of the week, even when they are mainly empty.

The bureau last year discovered that some drug dealers were even paying relatives to exchange old and damaged notes for new currency at the Central Bank of Ireland to disguise their origins. The new currency was declared as originating from the Central Bank when it was lodged in accounts. Such operations are used to wash hundreds of thousands as opposed to hundreds of millions, however.

Bill Browder: claimed Russian officials transferred €3.5m stolen from his company into the Irish banking system


Cash laundering by the state’s biggest criminal organisations tends to be more sophisticated and involve offshore companies that buy property in Ireland and abroad, which are then leased out to legitimate companies to generate rental income. The Kinahan cartel has used offshore trust funds to finance property renovations in Dublin. The gang has an estimated €1bn in assets.

“The idea is to spend as much as possible with a view to generating legitimate income that they can pay tax on,” said one garda. “The Kinahan cartel has so many investments around the world, we can no longer decipher what’s illicit cash and what’s genuine profit any more.”

Ireland is increasingly used by foreign intelligence services, Russian kleptocrats and international terrorist organisations to deposit money. Hundreds of millions have been laundered through Irish accounts or deposited in Dublin.

Last year the US authorities alleged $300m (€270m) from a cryptocurrency scam was laundered through accounts held at the Bank of Ireland in Dublin. The scam involved the sale of OneCoin, a worthless cryptocurrency, which was sold to investors around the world in what amounted to a Ponzi scheme.

Russia’s kleptocrats and intelligence services have also used Ireland as a destination for lodging stolen or illicit capital.

Bill Browder, a US financier leading an international campaign to expose corruption in the Kremlin, has claimed Russian officials transferred €3.5m stolen from his company into the Irish banking system. He claims the money was part of a €203m fraud organised by Russian tax officials against his investment company in 2005. The stolen money was allegedly laundered through shell companies in the British Virgin Islands and other offshore tax havens before eventually being deposited in 23 countries, including Switzerland. About €3.5m of the money was reportedly deposited in Ireland.

“The Irish authorities went silent after we provided them with evidence,” said Browder last week. “They didn’t take it seriously. I reported it but nothing happened. We found all the accounts and nothing was done about it.

“Police tend to be really good at tackling low-level criminals but, when it comes to financial crimes of this kind and scale, they simply don’t have the skills. Ireland is a place where this is particularly true.”

Ireland has been repeatedly warned that its banking system is vulnerable to laundering. The Financial Action Task Force, a global money laundering and terrorist financing watchdog, has told the Department of Justice about vulnerabilities in the financial system, though its 2019 report noted some improvements.

According to journalist Oliver Bullough, who wrote about laundering in Moneyland, Ireland is not alone in its failure to tackle illicit cash in the banking system. “Governments across Europe have been terribly bad at tackling this . . . Their failure to act has resulted in a lot of nasty people investing in our economies. Not just the drug gangs but also Russian and Chinese intelligence services. They are all using the same networks,” said Bullough.

There are many possible reasons for this, he suggested. “Money laundering is a hard crime to prove in court. You have to prove the crime, then you have to prove the money from that crime is being laundered,” he said. “[Authorities] take the view that if they can’t get a conviction, they will just take the money off them. It’s nowhere near an acceptable substitute for going after the criminals.”

Having spent 25 years investigating money laundering, Robinson has come to the conclusion there is only one way to confront it. He agrees with a growing belief that seizing money merely encourages criminals to commit more crime.

“The authorities need to go after the lawyers, accountants, company formation agents and bankers who facilitate money laundering. Put them in a six-by-six cell with a guy named Vladimir who has two tattoos on his neck, and leave him there for five years. When you lock up the lawyer, the banker or an accountant . . . you send a real message. That’s when they know you’re not fooling around.”

They’re closing in on Dan.

A helix pencil case :grinning:

They came under the compass of the cops

After a protracted investigation they found a protractor