Top Gangland Boss Shot Dead

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Lucky Wilson and the vipers nephew would disagree …

Corner boy

Correct! However, the kinahan family and John Cunningham wouldn’t.

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The lads looking happy out.

Dutch crime journo Peter R De Vries after taking a slug to the head.

Just saw the video, he"ll hardly make it

Hard to know. There wasn’t a lot of blood for the amount of times the weapon was discharged. Not a great sign that they were trying to resuscitate him with chest compressions but it’s possible.
It won’t bode well for Taghi’s current trial if they can link the kill team to him.

This sort of thing happened too the last time a European Championship semi-final was held at Wembley.

Who was he investigating

Jurgen Klopp.

@Thomas_Brady capped him

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Padraig O’Reilly Photographer and “Bluntman” better watch out in case there are copycat attacks here

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There’s a multitude of players he’s pissed off with his work throughout his career but most recently Naoufal Fassih, the big fat chap found hiding from Interpol in a Baggot St apartment and also Ridouan Taghi, currently on trial for ordering the murder of a crown witness’s brother and lawyer in an attempt to intimidate him.
Both of the above scallywags were suited and booted guests at Daniel Kinahan’s wedding in Dubai.

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Did they ever get to the bottom of what the shooting of Katie Taylor’s aul lad was over?

It’s before the courts at the moment

I’ve seen no mention of a motive so far


That’s what prompted my question.

As @TreatyStones said no reason or motive has been given for the shooting. It did seem the Gardai had some suspicions about Taylor though given they seized loads of his items after?

That stuff usually comes out after