Top Gangland Boss Shot Dead

Usually media hacks are quick to speculate on this before, during and after as to why the shooting happened.

Pete Taylor living his best life.

Taylor trains MTK fighters id imagine is motive.

He was selling holy medals, scapulars, indulgences and bottles of holy water on the sly from the gym. That nichë trade is the bidness of another tribe in the religious paraphernalia sector. Thanks to Gawd and all that….
Blesses self….


The main theory is that he roughed some bird up a few weeks before whilst working as a doorman, she was connected to someone important.
Cervi owed €5k on his coke bill so he got the nudge.

Rumoured he was helping as an “enforcer” for one or two lads.

My brother in law knew the lad who was killed. Literally wrong place wrong time - opened the door and was shot dead.

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I’d say we are going to see a few shootings as the fall out from this seizure.

I’d say they’ll start leaning heavily and sentence harsher on the gangland hoods until someone cracks on Taghi after the outrage of the Royals. This could really spook the witness who’s brother, lawyer and with De Vries, his advisor being liquidated, they’ll need to up their witness protection offer I’m imagining for him to proceed with his testimony.

I’d imagine it’s very unusual for drugs seized in one jurisdiction to be sent to another.
The Gardai must have done all the leg work in terms of intelligence and tracking. The encrochat and other hacks have given law enforcement a serious amount of intel.

The lads who drove the wrong way up the N7 last week up to no good. The survivors robbed the hearse and headed back up the N7

It’s coming home


Do the irish navy ships have guns ?

As an ex member of the Irish Naval Service I take exception to your tone.


Got the videos there alright :grimacing:

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One particular poster here will very happy at this given how much he hates all journalists.

Where they from ?

The 3 lads were in the ashtray of the hearse


The Guards getting great mileage out of this. €30m is but a scratch. What the fuck do they need it back in Ireland for even?

We’ll use the leftover charcoal for the incinerator in Limerick