Top Gangland Boss Shot Dead

Absolutely correct. Imagine house breaking implements being used as a memorial and these vermin being eulogised for their burglary prowess.

Think of all the people, especially elderly and rural, they terrorised and violated their homes over the years. Fucking sickening shit. As someone else said the only pity is it wasn’t a bus load of the bastards exterminated.


I can’t understand it. It’s not like these fuckers were helping the community or doing something good in the community, they were fucking scum and are being held up as some kind of beacon of humanity.


The Cops are a disgrace here allowing all these yahoo’s to act with reckless abandon blocking roads and acting the bollox on motorbikes to commemorate these scum.


Ah I wouldn’t be too hard on the Cops in this instance, they are damned if they do and damned if they don’t. They probably thought it best to let it go rather than risk starting a riot, you can imagine what would have happened if they Gardai tried to intervene, you would have every scumbag from all over turning up to have a go at the Gardai.


The O’Dwyer & Sons undertaker chap is the spit of Anthony Stokes.


Once again I’m blown away by the production value of the video. Obligatory Biggie Smalls soundtrack and vehicle revving. Just the 121 previous convictions for this chap. As the humourous lad at the end states “broke a lot of hearts, and a lot of doors as well”.

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Rock and a hard place situation alright but why should these vermin be shown any leeway in death when they spent their lives terrorising others.

Ah sure society does hold it completely unacceptable. We all despise them as do most people who live near them. They don’t give a bollox though.

If that was the case there’d be a will to tackle this. So more prison spaces so they aren’t forced to bail and release them, clamping down on welfare fraud etc.

Instead you hear similar to the bleating on here about varadkar standing in front of a poster that correctly states welfare fraud cheats us all.

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cc @mickee321

Some turn out these toerags get at their funerals.

It’s all about to kick off mate.

Rattigan is gangland royalty

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I’d compare Rattigan to Marlo Stanfield/Avon Barksdale whereas Daniel Kinihan would be more of a Stringer Bell type; Rattigan would have more street cred.

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I suppose the argument there is not all people on welfare are scumbags like them. It’s very complex in fairness

Of course they aren’t, but welfare fraud is a crime that should be tackled, as of course is white collar crime etc. A tacit acceptance of any of it is a slippery slope, where any wrongdoing is defended by ‘yeah but what about’ which diminishes the rule of law. Again that’s fairly theoretical.

These fucking animals that rob and kill old people in their homes is the sharpest end of that and they simply should be locked up for decades. Listen to John lonergan if he’s interviewed. Financial crimes, personal drug use crimes etc should never lead to a sentence. But people who threaten the lives of innocent people, like these cunts do, can’t be rehabilitated really, and should be kept away from society. There’s an obligation to protect people the state has abdicated. Society has added to this by not demanding politians act. But paddy is more docile and self serving than he’d like to admit.


Of course they should, people who steal from others can cause undue damage to others lives. Look at that solicitor from Roscommon recently, an utter utter cunt who should spent 10 years behind bars. That other fucker from the Bothar charity. They are worse than any 2 bit scumbag with 100s of convictions.


They aren’t worse than someone who goes into someone’s bedroom with a knife and demands their car keys, or who stabs a family member of that victim to get them.

That has a lifetime impact on people, way more than a financial crime does. Its not like I’m suggesting some swindling solicitor be let off. I’d say asset seizure and a 40% lien on their earnings for a set period of time, say 15-20 years would be the appropriate punishment there. If they don’t pay, then jail.


Jesus that’s unreal

I’m a watery sort of chap but I would have no problem at all with those particular lads or the likes of them being locked up for 30 or 40 years till they’re too old to be any danger. The problem is how to define who ‘the likes of them’ are. Maybe a certain number of convictions and the judgement of a jury about any chance of rehabilitation? Does any country hand out huge sentences to repeat offenders?

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