Top Gangland Boss Shot Dead

Three-strikes law - Wikipedia

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They are. Miles worse and they have zero excuses for it.

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How’s it working out and what are the arguments against it ?
I think that would work better in Ireland than America as we don’t have the massive racial inequality they have or the same massive underclass due to our more generous welfare system.
In reality there are very few of those N7 type lads around and this would clamp right down on them

I’d agree with that nothing worse than a sneaky bastard pretending to be helping people and all the while ripping them off and they when they are caught they claim mental illness or take their own lives.

No, they aren’t.

When peoples personal safety is directly threatened that can impact their quality of life and mental health forever. That’s the most serious crime. A swindler isn’t.

How do you think they are ‘miles worse’?

You’re arguing with a lunatic who thinks more prison places will solve all society’s ills. Just like every other country that has tried that strategy. His extra wrinkle on it just seems to be to give the wealthy a pass which I guess just highlights how stupid he is.


Whatever about being miles worse and whatever about merits and effects of different crimes there is certainty something wrong where somebody can have 100 plus convictions for crimes involving violence, force or threat of either and be free to walk around committing crime indefinitely.


The argument against is it’s too broad, so three indictable offences can lead to way too harsh a sentence, ie life imprisonment for.

But for serious offences against persons I’m hugely in favour of mandatory minimums.

I’m not sure how these O’Dwyer and Sons lads haven’t got a big break to get out of the funeral game yet

Yep no way should anyone be out walking around with that many convictions. I do feel for the Gardai who are catching these cunts and then they get to court and the judge lets them out and the scumbag is giving the finger to the Gardai.

Christ what a blowhard, and as always, too afraid to form an argument.

Looks like the decent debate we were having is about to be nixed lads, left wing morons welcome all opinions that directly match their reality free view of the world.

Exactly, there is no rehabilitation.

There is a chance of that for other types of criminals though.

Listen to the judges. They regularly complain that there isn’t enough prison places for them to remand these scum in.

But sure what would judges know about the need for more prison places :laughing:

People who commit violent crimes are in many cases products of their environments, upbringing and societal issues.

If they had been born into certain circumstances then a life of crime is not one that would likely be pursued.

The worst kind of criminal for me is the white collar gangster who rips people off for their live savings, steals from charities, breaks the law to get a bit extra for themselves that they don’t really need. It’s just pure greed or all the hallmarks of a psychopath.

That judge down in Kerry is sort of predatorial scumbag that should be locked behind bars. People who use authority and power to commit crime are more dangerous in any society than a hoodlum.


Fine upstanding people judges are eh?

that kind of line does a huge disservice to the huge number of people from disadvantaged areas that are decent hardworking law abiding citizens


Most are.

You seem to think people who attack others and stab or shoot them, are the real victims.

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A truly bizarre line.

He thinks there’s some correlation to violent sociopathic acts. And that a minor fraudster is a bigger threat to society than a tiger kidnapping gang. Don’t tell him people from all sections of society also commit fraud.

He really is out of his depth on this topic.

Maybe ask why violent crime is correlated with destitute areas.

If you’re in a suit you are fine though. You can steal millions and get a slap on the wrist if you’re in the right profession or social class

Does it? I think it gives them a huge service when they could quite easily have drifted down other avenues.