Top Gangland Boss Shot Dead

That’s one way of describing the OIUTF cult.

You mention all the harmless stuff like floral displays and printed t-shirts but when did it become the norm for a funeral to race around breaking red lights doing what they like. And bringing a screwdriver amongst other things to the altar to champion the fact that he broke into people’s houses for a living.

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Imagine meeting those fuckers driving against you as you go about your business?


Our media is generally extremely tame in the sort of stuff it will broadcast compared to other countries, unless you’re talking about that dreg on 4FM who nobody listens to anyway, and maybe the Chris Barry and Adrian Kennedy phone shows on 98FM and FM104, if they still exist, which they did the last time I listened in, which was about 1999.

Yeah I’m not defending anyone or saying it wasn’t inappropriate or illegal. But to answer your question, it clearly hasn’t become the norm. It’s not the end of our society as we know it and we don’t need CAB investigating lads breaking red lights or behaving inappropriately at a funeral.

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Remember when the young Brazilian delivery driver was killed by joyriders last year in Dublin. That’s what these scum are capable of. Mind you the silence on here by the virtue signallers over something committed by one of their own, compared to the bleating they do regarding America, was deafening.


What a bizarre post. You have a fertile imagination, but not in a good way.

Also, shrieking for failed US style “tough on crime” policies, ie. addressing the symptoms, not the real, underlying causes of crime, as you do, is the ultimate in virtue signalling.

While simultaneously you shriek for white collar crime to effectively be legalised.

You’re this forum’s answer to Priti Patel.


You really are a proper nutcase.


Looks like a hit a nerve with the salt of the earth types. No counter argument, just a bit of shrieking. As always.

technical question
rattigan’,s ex natascha mcenroe…assuming she is Simoan mcenroe,'s sister?

rattigan is s serious bastard, he is the billy Wright of criminals, he’d put the fear of fucking God in you


I believe Simoan only has one brother, Anthony and a cousin called Jodie but a different surname. They might be cousins on the other side but I’ve never heard it mentioned.

That’s being unfair on Priti Patel.

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Rattigan is a headbanger.

The type of guy to lash out and kill someone (like Declan Gavin) and leaves himself open to attack if needs be.

Dangerous but not very smart.

Hmm not sure about that. I know that at one of the funerals during the hutch/kinehan feud the cops photographed and then looked up every individual that was front and centre or rubbing shoulders with the known gang heavyweights. They uncovered at least one guy with no known record who was was never on their radar but who was living a normal life as a ‘businessman’, who in fact was a huge money launderer for the gang. He was jailed off the back of raising his head at the funeral, similarly his wife. So these show of forces at funerals are showing who is part of the gang and maybe even the pecking order and there might be some surprises in there.


They’ve made the paper of record in New York.

Hopefully the Gardai were there keeping a low profile and taking details of the people at the funeral and those on the bikes. I’d say the Gardai are going to let things cool down now and hopefully take action then. It would have been nuts for the Gardai to try do anything at those funerals it would have more than likely ended up with a week of riots and pitch battles with the cunts. Best of leave them have their funerals and then get them later.


@Bandage The final part of the trilogy. The undertaker loves himself.


Juiced up meat head, the narcissism is off the chart

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He’s front and centre in all the vids :joy::joy::joy: