Top Gangland Boss Shot Dead

Charlie Haughey


One of the Deans relation on Liveline now.

I would be surprised if Rattigan lasts a year before he’s banged up again. Surveillance techniques have evolved a lot since he was last a free man. His personality will most likely be looking at the vacuum left by so many of Kinahan/Byrne lieutenants locked up or exiled and I expect him to assemble a team to make a push for control of South Dublin. His young lackeys around the basin lane stronghold he kept whilst inside couldn’t tie their shoelaces without nodding off they’re so strung out at this point.

I’d say he’ll be whacked before he gets banged up

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I was wondering about that myself when I saw the 3 women bopping about the sitting room. After thinking about it, it is possible that they might be happy the lads are dead. Most people would agree the world is a better place with these 3 lads gone so the women might agree.

An aunt of one of the three that died was on Liveline earlier and was given the floor to spout utter bile. It’s not for us to judge them blah blah. She also didn’t notice anything wrong about the funeral.

She was allowed to toddle off while the rest of the show was about victims of burglaries, some of who are experiencing trauma to this day.


There will be no shortage of suspects. I’d say a child from everyone shot in the crumlin/drimnagh feud on the Thompson side would riddle him given a half chance.
Given how messed up that feud is, it wouldn’t be the biggest shock if he started working for the Kinahan/Byrne group.
I can’t see him showing up for a job on the shovel with the corpo in the long term anyway.


Could you summarise the different factions here? Who’s in cahoots and who’s enemies etc? Feel free to make some graphs and/or venn diagrams if you feel that may be useful?


That was gas. She’d be all self-righteous blaming society, Joe would interject that you can’t go around robbing people - “ah now I wouldn’t know anything about that meself”.

And the talk about their pile of convictions.

‘If that is true….’

‘It’s a matter of public record from the courts’.

‘I don’t know - I read it in the newspaper. There a lot of newspaper people worse than those three lads’.

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That’s part of the problem. Every other fucker is to blame for them breaking into a house in middle of night, terrifying a woman in her 70s to steal her fucking wedding ring.

That funeral video should see CAB descend and confiscate all the toys and assets they can’t show how they legitimately bought.


There is personal responsibility in everything. They may have had a tough upbringing but I know of a lot of people in a similar situation who would never resort to such a horrible act.


Imagine living next or near to that shower of pricks, party central,not a job between the cunts

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When Joe asked her about the poster in the church with the slogan “You know the score, get on the floor, don’t be funny, give me the money.” and then the screw driver and torch being brought up to the alter and she says “I don’t know anything about that, I’m not one to judge”. Then banging on about how they died and that the family will get to the bottom of it and where were the gardai at the time. Not one word for the driver of the lorry.


Outrageous to even let her on to speak or give her as long as he did. Asking where the Gardai were was enough for me. Just completely delusional.


That type of shite wouldn’t happen in any other civilized country, Absolute scum.


The problem with living in an acutely liberal country the like of which Ireland has become is the dregs of society, the lowest of the low, the useless degenerate animal will flourish, multiply & piss down the backs of society as a whole.


My goodness. Much as I enjoyed the videos, there’s a lot of over reaction to a couple of lads on cheap motorbikes and a few lively floral displays. I don’t think it means we’re doomed as a country and I’m not sure CAB need to be wasting their time confiscating some screen printed t-shirts.

Lads love throwing out these “Only in Ireland” type statements without anything to back it up


You’d never hear gangsta rap in the States for example.