Top Gangland Boss Shot Dead

Good news. Nine years seems a long enough wait for justice though.

What part of Furry Park Road did he live on? Guide me as if I’ve just turned off the Howth Road and am actively travelling towards the Vernon Rise roundabout.

He lived near the top of Furry Park Road at the Killester Church end. If you were stood facing down Furry Park Road with your back to the Church he was about 6 houses down on the right. I think he was banged up most of the time I lived there. He had a Great Dane that one morning knocked over my bin and scattered it’s contents up and down the road including some potentially embarrassing items (for the time). I picked up all the rubbish myself. I wasn’t one of those painful neighbours that would go to the dogs owner and insist that he pick up the rubbish.


You knew better

I see Mr Flashys buddy that was was found with a gunshot wound to the head in Finglas has died.
What was the story there?

he didnt know how to handle a gun

shot himself :slight_smile:

Like Collopy so

Ballyfermot tonight

Serious windscreens in those Passats

I’m reading Nicola Tallant’s book, “Clash of the Clans”, fascinating stuff so far. How Daniel Kinahan has never been caught and convicted of a crime takes serious skill! How the fuck did Macklin get caught up with that mob and how does sky and other media still employ him with such close connections to criminals

Armoured Jettas, Passats and tiguan’s came to take away our sons


But not 1 Caddy Cargo Van has ever gone up on fire :musical_note:

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Some lad will get his brains blown out for that.

There’ll be no snow this Christmas…


Mick the Hack says Tis now only worth €10 million

Yeah, since half the crate went ‘missing’ it is

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Not to be sniffed at