Top Gangland Boss Shot Dead

Too busy pal. At my age, the aim wouldn’t be what it used to be so I’ll leave it to the younger cohort. I’d be happy in the firing squad though.

It’s not been a good week for them, the slide to Junior status from Senior contenders a mere 3 years ago is complete.

Cattle are gold at the minute :heart_eyes:

Transportable to far flung places should they “stray out onto the road” at night is an added hazard….
Sporadic reports of rustling here and there. As long as it stays there and away from here we’re grand.

Rustlers always know where not to rustle strangely enough.

Just wanted to reach out to Gerry tonight on what must be a difficult time for the family. It’s been a long road without a turn. Hang in there Gerry.

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If convicted Gerard will serve any sentence in Spain.

I believe that’s only a slight possibility. He’s a Spanish resident, not citizen, so it’s not cut and dried.

Better again, cost us a fortune to keep him here with all the protection he’ll need

Has Gerard done time inside before?

There was a good piece done with him on Prime Time once upon a time. He came across well on it. Set up a boxing club in the inner city. Touch of a philanthropist about him. I must look it up on YouTube.

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Remanded for 1 year ! Wtf

This is where it gets somewhat trickier for Gerry. There’ll be big bucks for whichever Kinahan associate can sever Gerry’s throat with a Stanley knife. Gerry will need the wing-mirrors at all times.

Has Gerard any hope of a fair trial?

SCC. fairness doesn’t come into it once you get to there

A decade or two in the clink might be the safest for Gerry

He needs culled

Special Criminal Court removes Monks pair of Aces - a jury.

Poor John can’t catch a break

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I used to live across the road from Eamonn in Killester.