Top Gangland Boss Shot Dead

I’d say they know who it is alright.

Life is too cheap.

You’re bang on.

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I’m reading a book about Fat Freddie Thompson atm.

cc @mickee321

Knowing it and proving it are two different things … you’d be worried that they had time to plan it …it’s so fcukin brazen …


Yep, breaking up a fight I’m led to believe.

Never break up a fight between scrotes. Don’t go to house parties in Ballyer either wouldn’t be a bad shout.


They’ll be in custody by tomorrow.

Hope so , I’m reminded of the postman in talllaght who opened his window to see who was at the door one morning only to get shot in the face and has been in a vegetative state since … don’t think anybody ever brought to justice for that … he’d intervened in a row outside a pub a while before …

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I’d say the immediacy of this means they’ll get who do it quickly. Hopefully they do.


had to look that up.

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you would hope that the person that did it was drunk & angry & didnt cover their tracks well

anyone else noticing an increase of aggressive nutters driving on the roads? I’m putting it down to coke.

It’s seasonal. Christmas drives people doolally in cars.

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If there’s any semblance of truth in that theory we’re fucked
Between this and the guy cut to bits in Drogheda,and the Cork guy beheaded by a Romanian scumbag the countries fucked
This shit didn’t happen in my youth,
Yes horrendous things happened in tbe 6 counties but at least there’s some excuse for that as it was some semblance of a war ,this is drugs and drugs only and tbe state hasn’t tbe appetite to do anything about it
Fuckers are quick enough to respond to any republican grouping raising its head


Place has gone mad. There was another guy killed there not so long ago in Meath where he had run in with one of these scumbags at a party and the fucker came back and killed him. Then that girl and her friend battered and stabbed in Ballyfermot because they had an argument with a scumbag on the bus that he rang his mates to meet him off the bus to give them a hiding. What ever happened to just having a argument maybe throwing a couple of digs and someone at the being end of it, nowadays its get in an argument and you end up getting shot or worse.

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We can but hope that Sinn Féin secure the Justice portfolio in the next Government.
Good, old style crackdowns on toerags inflicting grief on decent, honest, hardworking citizens.

We’re only an electoral term from the restoration of law and order.

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Some of these are nothing more than lads willing to kill than lose face …life is very cheap to them …


Was savvy enough to use a silencer of some sort by my reading of it. Doubt too many would have access to those at the drop of a hat.

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Crazy situation we’re in

:crossed_fingers::crossed_fingers::crossed_fingers:someone needs to take it in hand

IRSP sorting out scrotes in different part’s of the country, personally I don’t give a guck who goes it cos clearly the former RUC mans men cant( Gardai)

There was also that case in Limerick where a young lad was driven over and reversed over a few times by some scumbag after getting into an argument at a party

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