Top Gangland Boss Shot Dead

Their crooks are losing money to our crooks.


The US considers the War on drugs global, on the basis that they are all interlinked.

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Hopefully Claire and Mick can intercede on behalf of the Kinahans.


The Americans to the rescue as per usual. I’ve no doubt they’ll be the ones to put manners on the Russians as well.

God bless America.

The extra territorial reach of their laws is a shock to many.

Amazing that Kieran Cunningham finally took them down.

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theyll be trying to take manors from the russians

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I always find people who correct spelling mistakes are desperately trying to prove their intelligence to everyone….

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In fairness you teed that up


i didnt correct, i made a joke.

and dont worry, ill never claim that im a million times more intelligent than anyone here

Would it be considered a bit embarrassing for Gardai if Uncle Sam takes down the Kinihans after Paddy trying to arrest them for years

Suppose Paddy was busy arguing about bleep tests


You reckon the Gardai should be better sorted to handled organised crime than the Feds?

By God.


Think the Guards went cap in hand to them no?

It’s odd how, to this point, the encro phone thing that landed so many crims in the UK has not been put to use here as yet. The Irish police force undoubtedly have info gleaned from it. For example, that Estonian hitman was using it in communication with the KOCG. Whats his name in Brimingham, their right hand man, he’d have been on it and info was used to prosecute him and put him away for 20+. Yet no use of it in Ireland?

You’d wonder have they sat on it all until now, getting all their ducks in a row using it to land the big fish which we’re seeing play out.

How do you know there has been no use of it in Ireland?
I would imagine it’s more that the cases they cracked with the information haven’t ended up before the courts yet.

Because there have been no prosecutions using it as evidence unlike the UK where there’s been loads

UK justice system is significantly faster than ireland

That depends

Probably not a coincidence that CAB seized Mansfield/KOCG assets last week and Mansfield was jailed last month

Working closely with the frogs too