Top Gangland Boss Shot Dead

I dont like him but it’s really surprising Kieran Cunningham has the balls to keep banging on about this to be fair to the cunt. As someone said you would be constantly looking over your shoulder. Unlike Nicola tallant or paul Williams there is absolutely no need for him to do it either. He has a cushy sport journalist gig. I know they are almost certain to do nothing after Veronica guerin but still you would just never know.

Was never going to have anything remotely questioning. A soft wank for Kinehan is all it was ever going to be

“I wanted to get my leg chopped off and Daniel advised me, he said don’t”

Sagely advice to a man already missing an eyeball

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Thanks mac best of luck tomorrow

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There go the rats

Michael could have donned the green jersey instead of printing a half baked scoop in his grubby little rag.

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Mick has been blocking people like nobody’s business on his ‘scoop’ tweet

I wouldn’t usually call organised crime coverage boring but Assistant Commissioner John O’Driscoll nearly put me to sleep when he was interviewed about the Kinihans earlier on Newstalk.

Basically anyone could have had the scoop if they wanted


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Has Michael Conlon said anything yet? He’s rarely short of a few words

Paddy Barnes as well. Would be an awful coincidence for 2 motor mouths to go quiet all of a sudden


One of the old tweets there about “Jono” Carroll

He seems to confirm my suspicions on MTK’s crew being absolute morons going by this interview

Quick twitter search indicates Paddy had a busy few days

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Still hasn’t got a knock out punch

Season 20 Fire GIF by The Simpsons

I’d like to see the IFSC IRA Brigade release a statement on the below