Top Gangland Boss Shot Dead

I thought he was Mr flashy? Or Mr flashy s right hand man and they fell out was it?

The silence is noted

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Correct on second part

Heard Bob Aram on the radio there washing his hands of Daniel. The game is up.

I dont have a clue about gangland crime in Ireland but what would a rap sheet against Kinahan look like?
Would he have sanctioned all the hits on the Hutch gang?
Where would he be getting his supply of Cocaine and Heroin and how far would his overseas operations stretch?

Apparently their set up is worth 1 billion and by all accounts Old Kinahan is a very shrewd individual.

I would guess that trying to pin anything on them would be difficult hence the ‘sanctions’ and rewards being offered.

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Conlon too

Id be very surprised if they didnt have the goods on the kinahans following the encrypted phones scam by interpol.

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Thought I read some bizarre thing about the Gardai deciding not to use the info from encrypted phones…

surely a diversionary tactic. any law enforcement officer worth their salt would give their right arm for that sort of intel. unless of course bunreacht is getting in the way and there could be issues with admissability

Deciding not to use it or just deciding not to use it as yet

Controversial question but is there anything THAT bad about what the likes of Daniel kinahan are doing these days? Selling coke that more or less every youngster in the country is taking and killing other scumbags before they kill him.

Trevor O Neill called, oh wait he didnt because he was killed by these thugs.

Would you ever up and fuck off.


What the fucking fuck? It doesnt even read like you are taking the piss. Aside from all the degradation of society, the exortion, the beatings the robberies and the murders (uncluding mistaken identity completely innocent folk), what have the Kinehans ever done for us?


It’s more of a stupid question than a controversial one

Its been a strange morning on TFK. You have one fella commending Mick and Clare for encouraging a quick end to Ukraine because they’re on Vlad’s payroll, another fella intimating only the foreigners are capable of brutal murder in Ireland, and then another chap arguing for the merits of the Kinahans.

By God.


Don’t be surprised if there’s still lads high up the Garda chain on the kinahan payroll.


The whole Garda Fox affair has yet to play out in the open.

And your man Ross Browning, his Ma and her relationship with some senior guard.

Plenty of meat left in this drama yet. Enough to make a season of Narcos: Northsiders


As long as it’s not another Kin

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Kinahans are no strangers to media production. Didn’t they do one after the Hutch thing, a half brother or something played a role in it?

Was online only very briefly before they pulled it.