Top Gangland Boss Shot Dead

Ah so you are taking the piss. Good man.

Christys mother ran a B&B from their house in Cabra and the dad drove a cab. Christy had the wrong un streak in him. His sister Sally Anne was/is a big wheel with ICTU

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It has been on my to read list for a while. It would seem a perfect time to read it.

I’ve a feeling the men making money from boxing in the states has something to do with this.

It is big business and he wasn’t going to do the industry any good, especially after the Fury v Joshua thing blew up so badly for them.

Hilarious the US authorities are coming down hard on the Kinahans, the whole ‘war on terror’ charade in Afghanistan was to control the heroin production there, v. lucrative, over 80,000 opioid deaths a year in the US now, greater than their entire fatalities during the Vietnamese war, per annum

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Must be awful for the priests having to deal with these funerals


You’d wonder

45 minutes. By God.

It’s comedy gold


Do O’Dwyer & Sons get all the gangland funerals or am I imagining this ?

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The lad driving the English reg white porche at around the 38 minute mark with the sister in the passenger seat is the funeral director, so maybe there’s a connection to the deceased.

Supposed to be a washing machine for KOCG.

Lovely fella

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Too many jabs to the head

The saxophone player :joy:

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