Top Gangland Boss Shot Dead

:face_with_hand_over_mouth: :face_with_hand_over_mouth:

the kinahans are southsiders

And the yanks were cops in Narcos Mexico.

latino american

It’s a different argument but the war on drugs has been lost. Legalisation is the way to put these lads out of business permanently


The Irish are awful begrudgers. They hate to see one of their own do well on the world stage. Same thing happened to Bono!


Nothing too latino about Scoot

Besides, crossing Liffey, Ireland’s Rio Grande, doesn’t cleanse all sins

Think the dad was originally from around Cabra direction …apparently that’s why the monk weren’t fond of him as he wasn’t an inner city hood like the rest of them …

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Didn’t Christy Kinehan come from a middle class background? He chose a life of crime rather than been born into it. Fairly sure I’ve heard that Nicola Tallant one saying it

Yes I think so

Yep I heard that too. He’s meant to be highly intelligent but well in with wrong ones. No history of crime in his family.

His grandmother was from the Island Fields.

He learned to speak Spanish and Russian during one of his prison stints, I wonder what drew him to those languages…


Once the boy Parrott is kept well away from all this, that’s all that matters

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Really? Didn’t know that.
Christy/Kieran Keane’s father was supposed to been a right character. Assume there may have been connections there going back many years maybe

Believe the family home was Charleville Road, between NCR and Cabra Road. Those nice red-brick houses, worth an absolute fortune these days. How the kids ended up in Oliver Bond in the 80s and 90s must be a story.

Never knew that. I lived in a flat on Charleville Road for a couple of years. Lovely street.

Ah sure tony soprano and nidge were lovable rogues. His main crime is drug dealing and an awful lot of fellas posting here have taken illegal drugs I’d say.

Worth the read lads

One of christy snr sisters joined his ‘business’ another sister quite decent with a respectable career by all accounts and cut all ties with him years back

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